
 Lisa B. Whitenack

Associate Professor of Biology & Geology

 Allegheny College

520 N. Main St., Box 10

Meadville, PA 16635



2008: Ph.D. in Integrative Biology, Department of Biology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida. 33620. The Biomechanics and Evolution of Shark Teeth.

2001: M.S. in Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. Morphometric Analysis of Extant and Fossil Mako Sharks (Isurus, Lamnidae).

1999: B.S. in Geology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, 61801. A Case Study in Paleoecology from the Mississippian of Missouri, with a Focus on Chondrichthyan Teeth.  


My general research interest is the biomechanics of vertebrates and invertebrates, with a focus on predator-prey systems in the fossil record. The exploration of the form-function relationship can be used to infer biological role and adaptive patterns, which becomes a springboard for evolutionary questions such as the origin and evolutionary consequences of the features in question. As behavior and ecology is often lost when studying the functional morphology of extinct animals, starting with extant organisms also allows me to use behavioral and physiological data in conjunction with morphological data to refine and support hypotheses. Biomechanical techniques can then be applied to extinct organisms for which we only have morphological data. A second area of scholarship for me is K-12 STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education. I am heavily involved in outreach with our local school district, specifically surrounding the STEM discipline. I also have been active in scholarship about diversity, equity, inclusiveness, and belonging (DEIB).




Shiffman D., L.B. Whitenack, L.A. Ferry. 2023. Connecting scientists with students using social media in an undergraduate science course. Journal of Educational Technology Systems. 51: https://doi.org/10.1177/00472395231172772

Eckstein L., A. Finaret, and L.B. Whitenack. 2023. Teaching the inevitable: Embracing failure in pedagogy. Teaching & Learning Inquiry. 11. https://doi.org/10.20343/teachlearninqu.11.16

Whitenack L.B., B. Mickley*, J. Saltzman+, S.M. Kajiura, C. Macdonald, D. Shiffman. 2002. Content analysis of 32 years of Shark Week documentaries. PLOS One. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0256842

Shiffman, D., T. Arguedas Alavarez, C.W. Bangley, R. Boyt, I. Cote, T.S. Daly-Engel, A.C.D. Davis, L. Chan Gaskins+, J. Graham, S. Johri, C.C. Macdonald, E.M. Paig-Tran, A. Roca, G.D. Schwieterman, L.B. Whitenack, T.R. Wiley, & L.A. Ferry. 2022. What can professional scientific societies do to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion: A case study of the American Elasmobranch Society. Frontiers in Education, special issue: Professional and Scientific Societies Impacting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STEM. 7: https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2022.842618.

Danos, N., K. Staab, and L.B. Whitenack. 2022. The core concepts of vertebrate morphology. Integrative and Organismal Biology obac019: https://doi.org/10.1093/iob/obac019. Note: all authors contributed equally to this work.

Whitenack, L.B., S. Kim, and E.C. Sibert. 2022. Bridging the gap between chondrichthyan paleobiology and biology. In: Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives, Vol. 1, Third Edition. (Ed. Carrier, J. et al.). CRC Press.

Paig-Tran, E.W.M., M.E. Porter, L.A. Ferry, and L.B. Whitenack. 2022. How to build a shark: biomechanics and biosinspiration. In: Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives, Vol. 1, Third Edition. (Ed. Carrier, J. et al.). CRC Press.

Thu, Y.M., L.B. French, B.M. Hersh, M.K. Nelson, L.B. Whitenack. 2021. Students’ perceptions of FSBio 201, a CURE-based course that scaffolds research and scientific communication, align with learning outcomes. Integrative and Comparative Biology 61: 944-956.

Hansen, A.K., Connors, P., Donnelly-Hermosillo, D., Full, R., Hove, A., Lanier, H., Lent, D., Nation, J., Pause Tucker, K., Ward, J., Whitenack, L.B., and Zaveleta. 2021. Biology beyond the classroom: Experiential learning through authentic research, design, and community engagement. Integrative and Comparative Biology 61: 926-933.

Shiffman, D., M. Ajemian, C. Bedore, J. Carrier, T. Daly-Engel, M. Davis, N. Dulvy, D. Grubbs, N. Hinojosa,  J. Imhoff+, M. Kolmann, C. Nash, E.M. Paig-Tran, E. Peele, R. Skubel, B. Wetherbee, L.B. Whitenack, and J. Wyffels. 2020. Trends in elasmobranch research over the last thirty years. Copeia. 108: 122-131.

Huber, D., Wilga, C., Dean, M., Ferry, L., Gardiner, J., Habegger, L., Papastamatiou, Y., Ramsay, J., and Whitenack, L.B. 2019. Feeding in cartilaginous fishes: An interdisciplinary synthesis. In: Feeding in Vertebrates – Anatomy, Biomechanics, and Evolution (Ed. Bels, V.). Springer Publishing. New York, NY. p. 231-295.

Whitenack, L.B. and J. Drew. 2019. Untangling the contribution of characters to evolutionary relationships: a case study using fossils, morphology, and genes. Journal of Biological Education 53: 217-224.

Hessel, A.L.*, W. Ryerson, and L.B. Whitenack. 2017. Doing without: alterations in Plethoidontidae jump performance after caudal autotomy. Hereptologica 73(2): 100-104.

Herbert, G.H., L.B. Whitenack, and J.Y. McNight*. 2016. Behavioral versatility of the Giant Murex Muricanthus fulvescens (Mollusca: Neogastropoda: Muricidae) in interactions with difficult prey. Journal of Molluscan Biology 82: 357-365. Featured article for the August 2016 issue

Ryerson, W.G., A.L. Hessel*, & L.B. Whitenack, 2016. Comparative jumping mechanics in plethodontid salmanders. Journal of Zoology 29: 51-57.

Whitenack, L.B., and G.S. Herbert. 2015. Did shell-crushing crabs trigger an esaclatory arms race in the aftermath of a Late Neogene regional mass extinction event? An experimental test. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 417: 57-65.

Elliott, D.R. and L.B. Whitenack. 2012. A Cretaceous shark tooth in glacial debris of mid-Missouri. Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science 115: 102-106.

Whitenack, L.B., D.C. Simkins, and P.J. Motta. 2011. Biology meets engineering: the structural mechanics of fossil and extant shark teeth. Journal of Morphology 272:169-179.

Whitenack, L.B. and P.J. Motta. 2010. Performance of shark teeth during puncture and draw: implications for the mechanics of cutting. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 100:271-286.

Whitenack, L.B., D.C. Simkins, P.J. Motta, M. Hirai, and A. Kumar. 2010. Young's modulus and hardness of shark tooth biomaterials. Archives of Oral Biology 55:203-209.

Whitenack, L.B. and Gottfried, M.D. 2010. A morphometric approach for addressing species delimitation in fossil Isurus (Chondrichthyes: Lamniformes). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30(1): 17-25.

Lowry, D., Castro, A., Ford, T., Mara, K., Whitenack, L.B., Burgess, G. and P. Motta. 2009. Determining shark size from forensic analysis of the bite damage. Marine Biology 156: 2483-2492.

Simkins, D.C., Collier, N., Juha, M. and L.B. Whitenack. 2008. A framework for studying the RKEM representation of discrete point sets. In: M. Griebel and M.A. Schweitzer (eds.), Lecture notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations IV. Springer Publishing, New York. Pp. 301-315.

Motta, P.J., Hueter, R.E., Tricas, T.C., Summers, A.P., Huber, D.R., Lowry, D., Mara, K.R., Matott, M.P., Whitenack, L.B., and A.P. Wintzer, 2008. Functional morphology of the feeding apparatus, feeding constraint and suction performance in the nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum. Journal of Morphology 269: 1041-1055.

Simkins, D.C., A. Kumar, N. Collier, and L.B. Whitenack, 2007. Geometry representation, modification, and interative design using RKEM. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 196: 4304-4320.

Lowry, D., A. Wintzer, M. Matott, L.B. Whitenack, D. Huber, M. Dean, and P.J. Motta. 2005. Aerial and aquatic feeding in the silver arowana Osteoglossum bicirrhosum. Environmental Biology of Fishes 73: 453-462.

Whitenack, L.B., D. Elliott, and J.P. Brandenburg*, 2002. A case study in paleoecology from the Mississippian of Missouri, with a focus on chondrichthyan teeth. Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Sciences 36: 11-14.

*indicates undergraduate author, + indicates graduate student author


Shiffman, D., C. Macdonald, L.B. Whitenack, J. Graham, and C. Caceres. 2022. Conclusion. In: Minorities in Shark Science: Diverse Voice in Shark Research. (Ed. Graham, J. et al.). CRC Press.

Whitenack, L.B., 2020. Final Report on the Allegheny College-Crawford Central School District Partnership: Summary, Assessment, and Lessons for Future Partnerships. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ey4ULOb5Kj4KCobu3NG2pGstbfa4x21r/view  This report was written for the Rees Charitable Foundation, the other stakeholders that participated in the Partnership, and those that would like to establish a similar partnership with their local school districts or colleges/universities.

Whitenack, L.B., 2018. "Observations from my first year as an associate editor" Functional Ecologists. https://functionalecologists.com/2018/09/13/observations-from-my-first-year-as-an-associate-editor/. This blog post was an invited piece for Peer Review Week 2018, covering the theme of diversity and equity in peer review.

Whitenack, L.B., 2017. “Speaking out about sexual harassment in shark science”. Southern Fried Science. http://www.southernfriedscience.com/speaking-out-about-sexual-harassment-in-shark-science/. This blog post was one of the ten most-read blog posts on the Southern Fried Science network for 2017, despite being published on November 21, 2017. As of May 22, 2018, it has been read 11,178 times, which places it in the top 200 blog posts on a network that was established in 2008.

GRANTS AND FUNDING (2010-present)

2014: John Nesbit Rees and Sarah Henne Rees Charitable Foundation (funding for Allegheny-CCSD STEM Partnership, $32,000)


2018: Volunteer Partner of the Year, Crawford County K-12 Career Education Alliance

2007: Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, Department of Biology, University of South Florida

2006: Jeffrey C. and Carol A. Carrier Award for the Outstanding Student Poster Presentation, American Elasmobranch Society Annual Meeting

2004: Provost's Commendation for Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate Assistant, University of South Florida

2002: Outstanding Masters Thesis Award, Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University

2001: Excellence in Teaching Award, Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University


American Elasmobranch Society (AES) – Board of Directors (2024-2028; 2015-2019); Equity and Diversity Committee (2020-2022; Chair 2017-2018).

Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) – appointed to Broadening Participation Committee (2023-present); PUI committee (2021-present); Educational Council (2015-2019); Chair of the Educational Council (2020-2023); Executive Committee (2020-2023).

Minorities in Shark Science (MISS) – Friend of MISS (non-minority member)

Paleontological Society


 Associate editor, Neotropical Ichthyology (2017-present)


Alabama Museum of Natural History Bulletin

African Journal of Biotechnology 

Archives of Oral Biology

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

Biology Letters


Environmental Biology of Fishes


Georgia Journal of Science

Historical Biology

Integrative and Comparative Biology

Integrative Organismal Biology

Journal of Anatomy

Journal of Experimental Biology

Journal of Fish Biology

Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry

Journal of Morphology

Journal of the Royal Society Interface

Marine and Freshwater Research

Physiological and Biochemical Zoology


Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía

Royal Society Open Science


Campbell Biology, 11th ed. (reviewed chapter on animal nutrition & feeding) 

Life, The Science of Biology, 11th ed. (reviewed chapters on ecosystems, muscular systems)

 Biology: How Life Works, 1st ed. (tested photosynthesis chapters in Bio 220)

Vertebrate Life, 9th & 10th ed. (reviewed chapter on shark natural history and evolution, consulted on other material)

Evolution: Making Sense of Life, 1st ed. (reviewed chapters on radiations, extinctions, and coevolution)



Wildstar Films: consulted with researcher on a new National Geographic show regarding shark teeth and bite force

The New Republic: interviewed for potential 2019 article on UnEssays

Scientific American (magazine): provided information on shark evolution for upcoming 2018 article

A Moment of Science (radio program, Indiana Public Media): provided fact checking and feedback on upcoming 2018 show on C. megalodon bite force 

National Geographic (magazine): provided feedback on information about shark teeth for special pull-out section on sharks (June 2016 issue)


Sesler, R*, Whitenack, L.B. The effects of wear on the morphology and puncture force of shark teeth. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, 2023.

Husak, J., R. Belanger, M. Johnson, K. Karsten, M. LeFauve, J. Macrander, T. Sanger, K. Taylor-Burt, and Whitenack, L.B. Integrative biology at primarily undergraduate institutions. Society for Comparative and Integrative Biology annual meeting, 2023.

Sesler, R.*, Whitenack, L.B. The art of biting: the effects of wear on shark tooth puncture performance and morphology. Society for Comparative and Integrative Biology annual meeting, 2023.

Diversifying Shark Media panel & workshop. Sharks International 2022 (organizer & panelist)

Sesler, R.*, Whitenack, L.B. Chomping at the bit: the effects of wear on shark tooth puncture performance and morphology. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, 2022.

 Shiffman, D., T. Arguedas Alavarez**, C.W. Bangley, R. Boyt**, I. Cote, T.S. Daly-Engel, A.C.D. Davis, L. Chan Gaskins**, J. Graham, S. Johri, C.C. Macdonald, E.M. Paig-Tran, A. Roca, G.D. Schwieterman, L.B. Whitenack, T.R. Wiley, & L.A. Ferry. 2022. What can professional scientific societies do to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion: A case study of the American Elasmobranch Society. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, 2022.

Sesler, R.*, Whitenack, L.B. Chomping at the bit: the effects of wear on shark tooth puncture performance and morphology. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, 2022.

Whitenack, L.B., Farina, S., Ferry, L. Teaching and Learning-X workshop: Teaching the inevitable: embracing failure in the classroom. Organized and lead workshop on embracing a pedagogy of failure & growth mindset for SICB members.

Husak, J., Belanger, R., Johnson, M., Karsten, K. LeFauve, M., Macrander, J., Sanger, T., Taylor-Burt, K., Whitenack, L.B. Integrative biology (and beyond) at primarily undergraduate institutions. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, 2022.

Whitenack, L.B., Mickley, B.*, Saltzman, J.*, Kakiura, S.M., Macdonald C., Shiffman, D. 2021. Content analysis of 32 years of Shark Week: trends in messaging, subject matter, and portrayal of sharks. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, 2021 (virtual).

Whitenack, L.B., L.B. French, B.M. Hersh, M.K. Nelson, Y.M. Thu. FSBio 201: A CURE-based course that scaffolds research and scientific communication. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, 2021 (virtual).

Whitenack, L.B. Insights from a five-year partnership between Allegheny College and local STEM teachers. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, 2020.

Eckstein, L., A.B. Finaret, and L.B. Whitenack. Teaching the inevitable: embracing failure in pedagogy. Conference on Teaching and Learning, LaRoche University, 2019.

Whitenack, L.B., N. Danos, J. Hutchinson, and K.L. Staab. Identifying Whitenack, L.B., K.L. Staab, and N. Danos. What are the core concepts of vertebrate morphology? Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, 2019.

Whitenack, L.B., K.L. Staab, and N. Danos. Teaching and Learning-X Workshop: Identifying the core concepts of vertebrate morphology teaching: a means to enhance active learning and retention in the classroom. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, 2019. Organized and lead workshop reworking comparative anatomy courses for SICB members.

Whitenack, L.B. and M.A. Kolmann. Leveraging extant shark tooth shape to examine Paleozoic selachian morphospace. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, 2018.

Whitenack, L.B. Workshop: Science Outreach, Partnership, & Engagement: Broader Impacts and Beyond. American Elasmobranch Society Annual Meeting, 2017. Organized and lead workshop on successful outreach and partnership for AES members.

Whitenack, L.B. Teaching and Learning-X Workshop: K-12 Outreach & Partnership. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, 2016. Organized and lead workshop on successful K-12 outreach and partnership for SICB members.

Whitenack, L.B. and M. Kolmann. Integrative chondrichthyan paleobiology: the present is the key to the past. American Elasmobranch Society Annual Meeting, 2015. Invited symposium talk.

Whitenack, L.B., R.S. Sherry*, and M.L. Habegger. Bite force calcualtions of two long-faced fishes, the northern pike Esox lucius and great barracuda Sphraena barracuda, through ontogeny. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, 2015

Whitenack, L.B. Partnering school districts and colleges via their science faculty: piloting the Allegheny College-Crawford Central STEM Partnership. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, 2015.

Paul, R.J.*, C. Bradshaw-Wilson, and L.B. Whitenack. Fin morphology and locomotion in Etheostoma darter fish. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, 2015.

Stein, L.J.* and L.B. Whitenack. Changes in Canis lupis skull morphology in the continental U.S. before and after the Endangered Species Act. Sigma Xi Undergraduate Research Conference, 2015. Second Place winner for Best Student Poster

Petro, M.J.* and L.B. Whitenack. The importance of force production, takeoff speed, and hip flexion in long jump performance. Midwest American Society of Biomechanics Regional Meeting, 2015

Paul, R.J.* C. Bradshaw-Wilson, and Lisa B. Whitenack. Locomotion in Etheostoma darter fish. Midwest American Society of Biomechanics Regional Meeting, 2015. Winner of Best Student Podium Presentation

Whitenack L.B., G.H. Herbert, and T. Bert. Handedness and predation success in the stone crab

Menippe mercenaria-adina. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2013.

Whitenack, L.B., and W. Ryerson. Thermal effects on jumping kinematics in plethodontid

salamanders. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2013.

 Whitenack, L.B., A.L. Hessel*, and W. Ryerson. Jumping kinematics in the Plethodontidae I:

performance, morphology, and scaling. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2012.

Hessel, A.L.*, W. Ryerson, and L.B. Whitenack. Jumping kinematics in the Plethodontidae II: the

effects of tail loss. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2012.

Whitenack, L.B., G.S. Herbert, and D.S. Simkins, Jr. Snail versus crab: the biomechanics and evolution of shell ornamentation in Strombus. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2011.

Huber, D., Whitenack, L., and Wroe, S. Structural mechanics of primitive and derived shark jaws and teeth. American Elasmobranch Society Annual Meeting, 2009.

Whitenack, L.B. and P.J. Motta. Performance of shark teeth during puncture and draw: implications for the mechanics of cutting. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2009

Whitenack, L.B. and P.J. Motta. Correlated evolution of shark tooth morphology, diet, and ecology. American Elasmobranch Society Annual Meeting, 2008.

Whitenack, L.B., D.C. Simkins, and P.J. Motta. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of elasmobranch teeth. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2008.

Whitenack, L.B., D.C. Simkins, and P.J. Motta. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of extinct shark teeth. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2007.

Whitenack, L.B., D.C. Simkins, and P.J. Motta. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of selachian teeth. American Elasmobranch Society Annual Meeting, 2007.

Whitenack, L.B., D.C Simkins, and P.J. Motta. Biology meets engineering: finite element analysis of selachian teeth. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2007

Simkins, D.C., L.B. Whitenack, and P.J. Motta. A new engineering tool for 'what-if' finite element analysis in biology. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2007.

Whitenack, L.B., Simkins, D.C., and P.J. Motta. Biology meets engineering: biomechanics and two-dimensional finite element analysis of carcharhinid teeth. American Elasmobranch Society Annual Meeting, 2006.

Whitenack, L.B. and P.J. Motta. Performance of shark teeth during puncture: implications for the mechanics of cutting. American Elasmobranch Society Annual Meeting, 2005.

Motta, P., R. Hueter, D. Huber, D. Lowry, K. Mara, M. Matott, L.B. Whitenack, and A. Wintzer. Suction performance and feeding biology of the nurse shark Ginglymostoma cirratum. Annual Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, 2005.

Whitenack, L.B., P.J. Motta, and T.J. Koob. A preliminary of selachian tooth performance. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2005.

Whitenack, L.B ., D. Lowry, A.P. Wintzer, M. Matott, D. Huber, M. Dean, A. Barker, P.J. Motta. Behavioral and morphological specializations for aerial prey capture in the silver arowana Osteoglossum bicirrhosum. 7th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, 2004.

Motta, P., R. Hueter, T. Tricas, A. Summers, M. Matott, D. Lowry, K. Mara, L.B. Whitenack, and A. Wintzer. Functional morphology, suction performance, and the enigma of protrusion in the nurse shark Ginglymostomata cirratum. 7th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, 2004.

Whitenack, L.B ., T. J. Koob, and P.J. Motta. A preliminary analysis of selachian tooth serrations during cutting events. American Elasmobranch Society Annual Meeting, 2004.

Motta, P., R. Hueter, T. Tricas, A. Summers, M. Matott, D. Huber, D. Lowry, K. Mara, L.B. Whitenack, and A. Wintzer. Functional morphology, suction performance, and the enigma of protrusion in the nurse shark Ginglymostomata cirratum. American Elasmobranch Society Annual Meeting, 2004.

Patel, A., D. Lowry, L.B. Whitenack, M. Matott, D. Huber, M. Dean, A. Barker, and P. Motta. Getting high with arowana: aquatic and aerial prey capture in the silver arowana Osteoglossum bicirrhosum. American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting, 2003.

Whitenack, L.B. Using geometric morphometrics to distinguish teeth of extant and fossil Mako sharks (Isurus). American Elasmobranch Society Annual meeting, 2002.

Whitenack, L.B. Using geometric morphometrics to distinguish teeth of extant and fossil Mako sharks. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting, 2001.

Kowalke, R.S., L.B. Whitenack, and R.T. Bakker. A new dwarf species of Diplodocid, from the Morrison Formation (Jurassic) of Wyoming, and its contradictions to sauropod evolution. Geological Society of America Regional Meeting, 1999.

*indicates undergraduate author


2022-2023: “Sharks & Recreation: The links between pop culture & shark science.” New Jersey State Museum, California State University Fresno.

2021: “Sharks, lies, and videotape: What we learned from watching 201 episodes of Shark Week”. Seattle Aquarium Lecture Series

2021: “32 years of Shark Week: Sharks, Lies, and Videotape”. Karl W. Weiss ’87 Faculty Lecture Series, Allegheny College

2016-2021: “400 million years of shark teeth: an evolutionary puzzle.” ElasmoWeek, Utah Valley University, Florida Institute of Technology, Florida Atlantic University, Michigan State University (Earth & Environmental Sciences Dept.), McDaniel College, Allegheny College

 2017: Women Making Waves: Gills Club Symposium. Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, New England Aquarium

2015: “Snail vs. crab: biomechanics and coevolution through Florida’s last 5 million years”. Northern Arizona University



2024-2028: elected to Board of Directors, American Elasmobranch Society

2023-2026: appointed to Broadening Participation Committee, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology

2022: appointed to Nominating Committee, Division of Comparative Biomechanics, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology

2021-present: appointed to PUI Committee, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology

2020-present: appointed to Executive Committee, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology

2020-present: Appointed Chair of the Education Council, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 

2017-2018: Appointed Chair of Equity and Diversity Committee, American Elasmobranch Society

2017-2019: Code of Conduct committee, Joint Meetings of Ichthyology & Herpetology (representing the American Elasmobranch Society)

2016: Professional Outcomes Committee, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology

 2016-present: Ad-Hoc committtee on Child Care, Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists & Herpetologists

2015-present: Board of Directors, American Elasmobranch Society

 2015-present: member of Education Council, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology

2003-2008: American Elasmobranch Society Student Affairs Committee – chair (2006-2008), webmaster (2006-2008), merchandising/online shop (2003-2006)


Partners in Education (PiE) (2013-present): Member of a consortium composed of Allegheny faculty and staff, Crawford Central School District (CCSD) educators, local business owners and community members. PiE is a partnership that fosters intellectual enrichment and ethical development for all learners. Activities include working on the following projects:

Allegheny College – CCSD STEM Partnership (Project Director): Established partnerships with STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) faculty and STEM teachers in Crawford Central School District (CCSD). The pilot program ran in Summer 2014. The pilot set up four partnerships with Allegheny faculty (myself, Ann Kleinschmidt, Ivy Garcia, Ryan VanHorn) and CCSD teachers, allowing Allegheny faculty to learn more about the STEM curriculum in our high schools & middle schools while also serving as a resource to the CCSD teachers. The work from the summer was disseminated at the October 2014 CCSD in-service day. I received a grant from the Rees Foundation to expand this program for 2015-2017. We have expanded past STEM into Political Science, Art, Spanish, and English, and we are continuing to explore other ways to expand the partnership.

Fourth Graders as Scientists (formerly Fourth Grade Science Symposium): Program for CCSD 4th grade students to aid in preparation for the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment exams (PSSAs), organized in conjunction with Erin O’Day-Frye, Wendy Kedzierski, and Ann Noonen (CCSD). Approximately 250 students from CCSD participate each year over the four-day event. My activities have included helping to plan logistics for the event, creating an activity on the rock cycle, running the rock cycle activity for the event, applying for and receiving grant funds for the event, and continuing development on the program.

Educators & the Workplace: Program to improve communication and collaboration between local businesses and educational institutions (CCSD, Allegheny College). The inaugural event took place in April 2015 at Acutec Precision Machining. My contribution to this project was to help organize and plan the event, and run the brainstorming session at the end of the event. Since then, we have been at Kuhn Tool (2016), Area Tool (2017), and Starn Tool (2018).

Crawford Central School District (CCSD) Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee (2021-present): General steering committee, the curriculum subcommittee, and teacher induction plan subcommittee. My work on the curriculum subcommittee has involved data analysis and interpretation with the purpose of identifying trends that should be addressed in CCSD comprehensive plan.


Faculty Review Committee (2020-2022; chair 2022)

HHMI Inclusive Excellence (IE3) grant writing team (2019-present)

Selection committee for the College/Schools Collaborative grants (chair: 2018-present; member: 2015-present)

Interim chair, Department of Geology (2021)

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Connections Planning Grant committee (2018-present)

Campus Life and Community Standards Committee (chair: 2015-2016; member: 2014-present; Code of Conduct subcommittee chair: 2019)

Education Minor steering committee member (2015-present)

Access Allegheny program (2016)

Selection committee for the Network for Local Knowledge and Research – Community Based Research proposals (2015-present)

Beckman Scholars grant committee member (2014)


Solve It! For Kids podcast, 2023: interview for episode about shark teeth and my career path: https://solveitforkids.com/podcast/episode-153-why-are-shark-teeth-shaped-like-that

Press related to “Sharks, Lies, and Videotape”, 2021-2022:

o Article from PBS NOVA

o Interview and article with Popular Science

o Interview with Reality Blurred podcast

o Interview with NBC10 Boston

o Interview with Science News for Students

o Interview on the Speak Up For Blue podcast

o Interview on The Nerd Element podcast

The Gills Club podcast, 2021: interviewed for episode about my research and advice for girls wanting to be shark scientists: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/6-dr-lisa-whitenack-dinosaur-sharks/id1566451831?i=1000530736913

Shark Tales podcast from NBC10 Boston, 2021: interviewed for the episode “The Megalodon: The Extinct Shark That Keeps Making a Comeback”: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/shark-tales/id1473143832

PADI blog, 2021: interviewed for What Top Women Shark Scientists Want You To Know About Sharks”:

SICB YouTube, 2020: featured on SICB’s YouTube channel for “Meet a Scientist”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhpMY9LI5yk

Scuba Diving Magazine, 2020: interviewed by Dr. David Shiffman for his article on whale shark eyes and teeth: https://www.scubadiving.com/more-than-meets-eye-whale-shark-eyeballs-have-two-incredible-features

Scientific American, 2020: interviewed by Dr. Dr. Catherine Macdonald for her article “The Dark Side of Being a Female Shark Researcher”: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-dark-side-of-being-a-female-shark-researcher/

CNN: interviewed for 2019 article on shark evolution: https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/28/world/shark-evolution-to-suit-environment-scn/index.html

People Behind the Science: interviewed for podcast episode #511, 2019: http://www.peoplebehindthescience.com/dr-lisa-whitenack/

NOVA (website): interviewed for 2018 article on new fossil fish discovery: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/fossil-flesh-eating-fish/?no-cache

Vulture, 2018: “Let’s fact check ‘The Meg’”, an article where I was interviewed as one of two shark scientists to fact check the popular movie “The Meg": http://www.vulture.com/2018/08/fact-checking-the-meg.html

“Megalodon: Fact vs. Fiction”, Discovery Channel, 2018: documentary for Shark Week 2018. I was one of the featured scientists asked to debunk the previous Megalodon “documentary”: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8761182/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm

Science, 2018: tweet about lab methods mentioned in Feb. 9, 2018 issue:  http://science.sciencemag.org/content/359/6376/614.full

PLOS blog, 2016: http://blogs.plos.org/thestudentblog/2016/08/09/social-media-for-ecrs-serious-scientists-can-and-do-use-twitter/ 

BBC Earth, 2015. http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20151003-the-epic-history-of-sharks

Erie Times-News, 2015. http://www.goerie.com/article/20150709/NEWS02/307099917/allegheny-professor-studies-evolution-of-shark-teeth