World Religions Stations

World Religions Stations Materials

Judaism to Christianity

Station 1-- Judaism to Christianity

Materials needed: crash course 11 guided notes, your annotation color guide, essay rubric, and highlighters.

Directions: watch this video and complete the guided notes. When you are done, AS A GROUP, identify the elements of the essay that Mr. Green has utilized in his crash course using the appropriate colored highlighters.

Feel free to use your rubric to help guide you, but be sure the entire group is in agreement. You may want to jot down some annotations to help you remember key points or reasons you marked specific items for the whole class debrief.

Finished early? Great! Now consult your rubric and see where the crash course may have missed the mark. On the back, brainstorm with your group, how these points could have been met.

Copy of Copy of 11_Christianity from Judaism to Constantine.docx

Crash Course Notes

Christianity from Judaism to Constantine Crash Course World History #11.mp4

Crash Course Video

Watch as a group

Copy of 2019-2020 color code Anchor Charts

Key for marking documents


Station 2 -- Buddhism

Materials needed: Spread of Buddhism Documents, Buddhism informational reading

Directions: follow the instructions on the document handout. Your group should be answering this together. The point is to get you discussing the documents and using each other a resource. This exercise is helping you to draw out elements of HIPP, which are necessary for a satisfactory DBQ.

Finished early? Great! Work on creating individual thesis statements to answer the prompt on the first page. We will be discussing these tomorrow.

Copy of Buddhism Info Reading.docx

Buddhism Background Info

Copy of Copy of buddhism-dbq.doc

Buddhism Questions

Fill out paper version and work together.


Station 3-- Hinduism

Materials needed: The internet, sketchnotes directions, colored pencils, index card.

Directions: Conduct an internet search and discover the origins, basic beliefs, and other important information regarding hinduism. Then read the directions and begin crafting sketch notes that explain Hinduism.

A suggestion would be to split the research amongst your peers. The sketchnotes are individual but feel free to bounce ideas.

This will be homework if it isn’t completed.

Copy of Student Sketch Notes directions

SketchNote Explanation


Station 4 -- Islam

Materials needed: a piece of your own paper, Islam documents, Spread of Islam text 1, Spread of Islam text 2, and markers,

Directions: skim the informational texts to get some background knowledge. Then with your group annotate the documents that accompany the DBQ. On your paper, create a graphic organizer of your choice that answers the prompt: to compare and contrast attitudes of Christianity and Islam towards merchants and trade from the religions' origins until about 1500.

Finished early? Great! Write a contextualization introduction if you were going to be writing a response to the prompt.