
Click on the links below to access documents. Some items may require you to be signed into your AH Schools google account.

Economics Daily


Google Classroom (parents can request to join too!) Many classroom assignments and instructions are posted on google classroom.

Unit Links

Unit 1- Intro to Economics

Unit 2- Supply and Demand

Unit 3- Market Failure and Market Structures

Unit 4- Macro Economics

Unit 5- Global Economics

Personal Finance Unit (Ever fi Modules info)

Remind 101 (parents can sign up too!) Text the code below to 81010 Get text reminders through the app about tests, projects, etc. You can also message Ms. Pelzel through the app and reach her easily.

Hour 1: @pelzelhr1

Hour 2: @hr2pelzel

Hour 5: @pelzelhr5

Textbook Link and Information

Economics Alive! (2014 Teachers’ Curriculum Institute) is the textbook that is used in this course. We will be using the online version of the textbook, which is accessible by clicking the link above. The first time you access the online book, you will need to create an account by following the instructions below:

  1. Go to

  2. Enter your teacher's email address as listed below:


  3. Create a username according to the following format: FirstName_LastNamePeriod#

    • For example: billy_smith5

  4. Create a password that you will remember. Consider using your AHSchools password so you will not forget it!