JTC Renewal of Lease

Backed by Strong Track Records for Reliability, Quality and Service Excellence

We have worked with high-profile MNCs, as well as a variety of SMEs. Here's a list of clients we have worked with -

Our Key Services Include:

Our key services include:

We specialize in crafting compelling proposals and business plans to secure approvals for the assignment or purchase of JTC properties and industrial land. Our expertise ensures a streamlined process for your JTC lease assignment applications. We assist clients in preparing successful proposals and business plans to obtain approval for the JTC Lease Assignment or purchase of JTC property and industrial land.

Benefit from our in-depth guidance on developing successful proposals and business plans for direct purchases from JTC during the Standard Factories Launch and Tender Application period.

Our team excels in the preparation, analysis, and submission of bids for JTC Industrial Land under the Industrial Government Land Sales Programme (IGLS), enhancing your chances of success.

We provide strategic assistance to navigate the complexities of JTC lease renewals and extensions, ensuring your proposals align with JTC requirements for a smooth approval process.

We aid clients in successfully applying for the JTC Third-Party Build and Lease Scheme, leveraging our comprehensive understanding of JTC’s criteria and processes.

Our services empower clients to achieve approved status as JTC Anchor Tenants for industrial properties through meticulous preparation and presentation of applications.

Navigate the JTC factory application process with our expert guidance on both concept and pricing strategies to enhance your proposal's impact and effectiveness.

We offer consulting services for the optimization and construction of JTC factories, ensuring your facilities meet both operational needs and JTC standards.

Stay informed with our market research reports, providing current statistics, historical data, and insightful analyses based on JTC’s Quarterly Market Report. These comprehensive reports help you understand market trends and make informed decisions.

Keep up-to-date with our quarterly reports on Singapore’s economic performance. The next update is scheduled for the third week of May 2024, offering fresh insights and forecasts.

JTC Renewal of Lease - Alliance Facilities Management Pte Ltd

Choosing the right consultant for your lease renewal with JTC is critical to ensuring a smooth, successful process. At ALLIANCE FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PTE LTD, we are uniquely positioned to be your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of JTC lease renewals. Here’s why appointing us as your consultant is the best decision for your business:

By appointing ALLIANCE FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PTE LTD as your consultant, you are choosing a partner dedicated to your success. Our expertise, comprehensive services, and client-centric approach ensure that your JTC lease renewal application stands the best chance of approval, allowing you to continue your operations seamlessly and with confidence. Let us help you secure your business’s future and optimize your industrial land use effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - These FAQs provide a comprehensive overview and insights into JTC Policies & Guidelines for the proposed Application for JTC Renewal of Lease.

Question: What is JTC Lease Renewal?

Answer: JTC Lease renewal is the granting of a new lease term after the current term expires, allowing industrialists to continue operations at their sites. It is not guaranteed and is subject to JTC’s assessment.

Question: What factors does JTC consider when assessing lease renewal applications?

Answer: JTC assesses applications based on the economic contribution, productivity of the project, job creation, synergistic linkages to other sectors, and land use optimization.

Question: What is the maximum lease term that can be extended?

Answer: The maximum renewed lease term is up to 20 years, subject to JTC’s assessment of your business strength, redevelopment plans, and government redevelopment plans for the site.

Question: When should our Company apply for lease renewal?

Answer: Applications should be made 6 years and no later than 3 years before the expiry date of the existing lease.

Question: How do our Company apply for lease renewal?

Answer: Applications can be submitted via the JTC customer service portal. Your JTC Customer Engagement Officer will assist with the next steps.

Question: What details should our Company provide when submitting JTC lease renewal application?

Answer: Applicants should provide a detailed business and redevelopment plan, fixed asset investments, gross plot ratio, job creation projections, and financial projections. JTC holds applicants accountable for the details provided, with audits conducted at the end of the investment period.

Question: When can I expect a reply from JTC regarding my lease renewal application?

Answer: JTC will inform you of the outcome via email within 3 months after receiving all required information.

Question: What are the key terms and conditions for lease renewal?

Answer: Key terms include revision of land rental, potential building premium, completion of proposed building works, and assignment prohibition period.

Question: What fees and charges are payable for lease renewal?

Answer: Fees include land rent or premium, building premium (if applicable), survey fees, URA processing fees, legal document preparation costs, and GST.

Question: What constitutes investment in Plant and Machinery (P&M)?

Answer: P&M investments are capital expenditures on items used in operations such as industrial machinery, construction equipment, utility plants, and manufacturing equipment. In case of doubt as to whether any equipment can be considered as part of plant and machinery, the yardstick is that it should be used directly in the production process in connection with the company’s approved usage.

P&M investments are capital expenditures on items used in your operations, such as:

Question: What is not considered as P&M investments?

Answer: Items not considered include - 

In case of doubt as to whether any equipment can be considered as part of plant and machinery, the yardstick is that it should be used directly in the production process in connection with the company’s approved usage.

Question: What value of P&M to take?

Answer: Plants and machinery purchased during the investment period are taken at cost. Relocated or previously purchased equipment can be included based on net book value at the start of the investment period.

Question: What constitutes investment in Building and Civil Works (B&C)?

Answer: B&C investments include the construction of factory buildings, civil works, professional fees, and renovation works excluding furniture and fittings.

Question: What is not considered as B&C investments?

Answer: Costs not included are land rental, property tax, utilities charges, stamp duties, and financing costs.

Question: What is the URA’s 60:40 space utilization rule?

Answer: At least 60% of the total gross floor area must be used for industrial activities, while the remaining 40% can be used for ancillary purposes.

Question: How does JTC assess the strength of my business and redevelopment plans?

Answer: JTC considers economic contribution, job creation, synergistic linkages to other sectors, and optimization of land use.

Question: What happens if my site is affected by government redevelopment plans?

Answer: If affected, you may not be able to renew your lease. Consult your JTC Customer Engagement Officer before applying.

Question: What should I do if I am in breach of existing lease terms and conditions?

Answer: You must rectify any breaches before applying for lease renewal.

Question: What if I cannot maximize the usage of my site?

Answer: Consider consolidating operations in a smaller floor space or JTC may require you to return part of the land.

Question: What is the building investment period?

Answer: You have 3 years from the offer letter date to complete building works and fulfill fixed asset investments.

Question: What is the assignment prohibition period?

Answer: You cannot assign the land for a minimum of 5 years from fulfilling investment criteria or 3 years from the new lease term commencement, whichever is later.

Question: What is the right of first refusal?

Answer: JTC reserves the first right to buy over the remaining lease period if you wish to assign the land outside the assignment prohibition period.

Question: What is an Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)?

Answer: ESA is an investigation to assess potential contaminants in soil and groundwater. Decontamination works depend on ESA results.

Question: How should I plan for my gross plot ratio?

Answer: Intensify land use as much as possible to optimize scarce industrial land resources. Plot ratio exempt industries have no minimum requirements but must meet minimum land area coverage.

Question: How does JTC verify my fulfillment of investment commitments?

Answer: Submit a temporary occupation license, certification of development completion, audited cost statements, and any other required documents.

Question: What if there is a shortfall in my committed investments?

Answer: The lease term is pro-rated if there is a shortfall between the committed and actual figures of gross plot ratio and investments in plant and machinery.

Question: What are the building premium details?

Answer: If applicable, the building premium is payable upfront for JTC-owned buildings. The amount will be known 3 months before the new lease term.

Question: What is the importance of façade treatment in urban design guidelines?

Answer: Façade treatment should use good quality, easy-to-maintain materials, optimize building form, and ensure the façade is environmentally responsive to the tropical climate.

Question: What is the Green Cover requirement?

Answer: Developments must achieve a minimum Green Cover of 30% of the total site area, which can include tree planting, grass cells, grass pavers, and green roofs.

Question: Are there mandatory solar requirements?

Answer: Solar deployment is mandatory for new and renewed leases if the site has at least 800 sqm of available contiguous rooftop area and a remaining lease period of 15 years or more.

The Information Listed Above Is To Be Used As A Reference Only.

The information listed above is to be used as a reference resource for your personal consumption only. It is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice, investment advice or any other advice, All applications are subject to final approval by JTC at JTC's discretion (including any terms and conditions that JTC may in its discretion impose with such final approval). While every endeavour has been made to ensure that the information provided herein is correct, ALLIANCE FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PTE LTD disclaims liability for any damage or loss that may be caused as a result of any error or omission.

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