About Ms. Blackman

2022 - 2023

Welcome 5D and 5E! We are going to have a fantastic year!

I am originally from New York and moved out to sunny San Diego in 2001. I began teaching elementary in 2007, and I taught for four years in San Diego before I left for Qingdao, China. While in China, I taught fourth grade at the Qingdao No. 1 International School. Accordingly, it was my first introduction to the I.B. curriculum. I liked working in China very much, but I decided to move the following year and broaden my teaching and traveling experiences to Panama. In Panama I crossed over the canal for two years to teach 5th graders. Living there was also a great adventure, but my heart belonged to San Diego. After three years abroad, I returned.

This will be my ninth year teaching at Albert Einstein Academy, and I love working with such a compassionate and industrious group of people. Most importantly, I enjoy educating ten and eleven year old students to help prepare them for middle school and beyond.

Qingdao, China

el Puente de las Americas

(the Bridge of the Americas), Panama
