Albert Einstein Middle School Library

It's here!! Try the new reading app with your aeastudents account!

We now have access to SORA, a student reading app that is connected to the accounts. Look for the Sora icon in your apps in chrome when you are signed in with your aeastudents account. Click on it and follow the directions or watch the video below to see how to check out books from the San Diego County Library with your aeastudents account. No need to have a library card!!!!

Username AEACMS and password AEACMS (for both username and password)

We added over 100 new titles this month thanks to a grant from Friends of AEA!

 Search the Library Catalog

Username: aeastudent email address

Password: 1234

You can log into the search catalog to see how many books you have checked out, renew your items or reserve a book!  

Other ebook sources: 

Ebsco ebook library -use username z2student and password peach. Choose ebsco ebooks

Proquest ebook library click on "show more detail" then use username scholar#1 and password einstein#1

International Children's Digital Library (free German and Spanish books)


Databases and ebooks

To access database passwords use this spreadsheet while logged onto your student account

The portal gives you access to a collection of databases with one sign-on that  includes World Book Encylopedia, Ebsco Ebooks, Ebsco Research, California Streaming, and Brainpop

California State Purchased Databases:

Britannica School  

Britannica Escolar 




ProQuest Central Student

Proquest ELibrary Guided Research edition

Proquest ELibrary Database edition

SIRS Discoverer

SIRS Issues Researcher

Proquest Ebook Central

Proquest Research Companion

PBS Video Collection

Passwords to off-campus access to databases--you need to login to your aeastudents account



"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein