AEA Miami Chapter

#GraciasPorAyudar #YouAreTheSolution #ThankYouForHelping #TuEresLaSolucion

@AEAMiamichapter Established in 1987

THANK YOU! AEA Miami Chapter and your international team of #superhero volunteers.

Since 1985 the Miami Chapter has raised a significant amount of Funds for the children of AEA in AYACUCHO, Peru!

Every year they continue to raise their FUNDRAISING SUCCESSES and we are #grateful. Its an international #WORLDCLASS team of selfless, amazing and generous powerful leaders who succeed in everything they do.

Since, 1987, the Miami Chapter of Asociación Emergencia Ayacucho (AEA) it has worked hard to support and fund out cause. It was created in the city of Miami, Florida under the leadership of Mrs. Dora de las Casas.

We are again so grateful for your efforts and hard work in 2018. Thank you!