About Us

  The Westlake Middle School Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society exists to give exemplary students an arena to demonstrate and be recognized for their excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, citizenship, character, and service. The chapter will guide these students as they actively and enthusiastically volunteer to serve their school, communities, and our world, working to improve the lives and well being of those around them. Our chapter will encourage the passion to serve, and aid the development of personal and group leadership skills for the benefit of others

Who is Eligible to Join?

    Students are selected by a nomination process that occurs every spring. Sixth and Seventh grade students who are nominated by their current teachers are sent a letter explaining the purpose and requirements of our school chapter of this national organization: scholarship (grades), leadership, citizenship, character, and the desire/enthusiasm/commitment to participate in 30 hours of community service for the school year (which includes optional summer opportunities). If a student commits to these membership requirements, set by both the National Junior Honor Society and school advisors, he/she is eligible to join. A candlelight ceremony is held in late spring to induct new 6th and 7th grade members. If you are a transfer student and missed the spring application deadline, and meet ALL the above criteria for membership, please contact Mrs. Geri Smith or Ms. Wilson via email or in person. Present a copy of the completed application form (located on the forms page) to their mailbox or in person, and attend the next meeting!

Contact US: 

Geri Smith



 Shannon Wilson

