The short answer to the question ''why study Economics'' is that it is a terrific subject.there are though,three very good reasons to study the subject

1. first is that, it is or should be interesting and that it is impossible to understand the world in which we live without some knowledge of Economics

2. a second reason is that it is useful both to the individual who studies it and also to society as a whole since economics can lead to a better world .

3. a third reason is that a qualification in Economics is an excellent basis for a career

Economics is interesting-

of course, not all economics is interesting to everyone.there are some people who are not really interested in understanding more about the world. this kind of person may will find economics boring similarly not all Economics is interesting,even to those who like Economics.In some places you have to think to get the benefit,and thinking can be hard work.If you are not in the mood to do this then it may fail to raise your interest.Even when you are willing to work, you may find some aspects less interesting then others.For us,the most boring part of Economics is that devoted to the way in which we calculate national income and output-National income accounting-though others do find this interesting.Sometimes Economics fail to be interesting because it's relevance is not made clear.

Economics theory is what gives the subject its strength.Subjects that lack theory are forced to become largely descriptive,this is sometimes interesting ,but often shallow.the strength of Economics as a subject is illustrated by the fact that is one of the few subjects for which there is a Nobel Prize.Subjects such as Law,sociology,Marketing and business studies do not have this structure.the 2001 Oscar winning film,A beautiful Mind starting Russell Crow was even based on the life of John Nash who own the Nobel prize for Economics in 1994.