Professional Development
Welcome! This page is intended as a clearinghouse of upcoming, on-demand, and archived distance learning professional development opportunities for 916 staff. While some resources are intended specifically for EAs or licensed staff, most opportunities are suitable and valuable for everyone. Check them out!
Available Anytime
Professional Development for CEUs - Member Districts & 916 Staff
Trainings in this section have a CEU survey for both member district and 916 paras to demonstrate their completion. New Trainings added each week thru the end of May 2020!
Have an idea for a training topic you would like to learn more about? Let us know by filling out this form!
Supporting & Repairing Attachment
Pete Singer ~1 hour
Click HERE for the slides with EMBEDDED video
Click Here for Survey upon Completion
Intro to Restorative Practices
Group Contingencies

Justice Oriented Framing of MH with Diverse Populations
by Cara McGlynn
Multimodal Literacy - Story Boxes for Complex Learners
By Sue Heuston and Morgan Nodsle
Mental Health, Self-Awareness and Perspective Taking in really Strange Days
by Kevin Horst
Click Here for Survey upon Completion
Ten Quick Tips for Making your (Covid) Life Easier
by Various 916 Consultation Team Staff
A feature-length documentary about what happens to behaviorally-challenged children when they enter schools where educators are not able to mitigate the nonconforming behaviors. The film’s investigative focus is on how the system uses discipline rather than effective measures, leading to a school-to-prison pipeline for many disadvantaged students.
The Kids We Lose is produced by Mika Holliday Lentz and Lisa Wolfinger.
What is ABA Anyway? Intro to Applied Behavior Analysis.
Autism and Trauma: The Intersection: Stephanie Monaghan Blout, PsyD and Nancy Roosa, PsyD of NESCA: Neuropsychology & Education Services for Children & Adolescents, discuss the intersection of autism and trauma.
Supporting Students with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD)
Modeling Communication Partner AAC Training: Series of training presentations with embedded video models explaining key strategies and instructional approaches for using and teaching AAC/Communication Devices. Created by 916 SLPs!
CURRENTLY FREE: Registration for this 3-Session series includes:
3 video sessions with Dr. Becky Bailey (120+ minutes of content)
Session 1: The Dynamics of Trauma
Session 2: Reaching Children with Trauma
Session 3: Teaching Children with Trauma
Reinforcement Systems
Staff Experiences: Secondary Traumatic Stress and Trauma
Cara McGlynn ~36 minutes
Evidence-Based Practices Modules for SPED Staff
Autism Internet Modules (AIM): AIM is designed to provide high-quality information and professional development for anyone who supports, instructs, works with, or lives with someone with autism. Each module guides you through case studies, instructional videos, pre- and post-assessments, a glossary, and much more. AIM modules are available at no cost.
Autism Focused Intervention Resources & Modules (AFIRM): AFIRM Modules are designed to help you learn the step-by-step process of planning for, using, and monitoring an EBP with learners with ASD from birth to 22 years of age.
IRIS Center Modules: The IRIS Center is a national center dedicated to improving education outcomes for all children, especially those with disabilities birth through age twenty-one, through the use of effective evidence-based practices and interventions. Includes movie list per disability represented, well built search engines.
Idaho Training Clearinghouse: Evidence-based paraprofessional modules and resources addressing prompts, behavior, and AAC.
Disability 101: A series of brief powerpoints developed by 916 staff explaining each special education category. This is part of a larger OnlinePD@916 Schoology course.
From Harvard University Center on the Developing Child - Briefs on a wide variety of topics from early childhood to ACEs to executive functioning. Most include brief videos and pdfs of the basics in most up to date research.
Trauma Informed Resilient Schools (Starr Center): Trauma-Informed Resilient Schools teaches school professionals how to create trauma-informed schools and classrooms. The training focuses on resilience, exploring the core values and beliefs of educators and places an emphasis on understanding how trauma impacts children and their school experience.
Free PD for DCD/ASD Special Education Teachers
Teaching with Technology
Centering Equity
Webinars can be an excellent way to deepen our knowledge and impact our practice as we continue to advance our collective equity work in the context of distance learning and the larger COVID-19 pandemic.
RIDES Virtual Community Webinar Series, Harvard Graduate School of Education. The RIDES (Reimagining Integration: Diverse and Equitable Schools) Institute at Harvard University has compiled a fantastic series of webinars featuring speakers such as Zaretta Hammond and Pedro Noguera addressing topics like supporting refugee and immigrant students, engaging students as equity partners, and de-centering whiteness.
Site-Specific PD
Many sites and programs are designing or curating a schedule of site-based professional development offerings to meet their specific staff needs. Wondering what's going on at your site? Check with your instructional coach or principal/manager.