Mr Hocker

Welcome Back to MHS!

Intervention Periods:

Schedule Time 9: 00 AM to 3:45 Monday to Friday

The best way to contact me is from: or 541 475-7265 ext 2346

Please keep the following in mind for our Google Meets:

  • Be prepared: Set up your online learning space prior to the start of the day; a quiet space, two screens if possible, note-taking devices, snacks, etc.

  • Stay engaged: Minimize distractions and approach the day with a work-place/learner mindset

  • Try out all tools: Use the chat, engage with partners, turn cameras and mics on in breakout rooms, etc.

  • Give this time your full attention: Refrain from multitasking and getting distracted by home/family activities. It’s important to give it the same level of respect and attention you would give to a meeting

  • Save some bandwidth: Due to the number of participants only turn video and microphone on when speaking to the group or in breakout

{EDIT} Link to Google Classroom 2

{EDIT} Link to Google Classroom 3

{EDIT} Link to Google Classroom 4

{EDIT} Add calendar and Announcements here

Announcements for Test Class