6th Grade Science 

Welcome to Ms. Bilanovic's 6th Grade Science classroom website!

This year Ms. Bilanovic has a student teacher who will be teaching in her classroom as well named Ms. Finkle (check out our welcome video below). 

Here is where you will be able to find announcements of what we are currently doing and what classwork is due when.

You will also be able to access links to google classroom which has all of the presentations and assignments in it for the students.

Google Classroom Links - All Assignments Here (to be shared in class soon)

Per 1: Science (6th Grade)

Per 2: Science (6th Grade)

Per 3: Science (6th Grade)

Per 4: Science (6th Grade)

Per 5: Science (6th Grade)

Per 7: Science (6th Grade)

6th Grade Science Weekly Schedules

              -Click here for  Past Quarter 1 Weekly Schedules

              -Click here for  Past Quarter 2 Weekly Schedules

               -Click here for  Past Quarter 3 Weekly Schedules

         -Click here for  Past Quarter 4 Weekly Schedules


23-24 Bilanovic Sci Expect_Lab safety
JCMS Digital Etiquette 22-23

Do you have Questions?

If you have any questions, the best way to contact me is through e-mail at lbilanovic@509j.net. I might be in the middle of teaching, so I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. 

My phone number is 541-475-7253 ext. 2540