
Querido diario,

Mayor. He's the only thing in Delaware I like. The only reason to stay in Delaware. He gets me. I feel home with him. I want to take him home to Mexico with me. Then I can be truly home. Mayor and Mexico. That's a perfect life. I don't know what else to do. I'm scared that if I like him, he'll go away. He'll stop being nice to me. He'll start being mean to me. He'll start ignoring me. I don't know. If only I had my 2 M's with me at once. Mayor and Mexico. Mayor's the closest thing that's made me feel like I'm truly home since I've come to the grey state. I only want me and Mayor. If I could skip school to spend time with Mayor, I would. Mayor is more important to me then school. Why can't Mayor go to my school. He can help me understand everything. Everything. He's everything. I need to stop thinking about him so much, it's embarrassing. If Delaware's the grey sky, Mayor is the rainbow. Mexico is a rainbow. Mayor's the closest thing I've ever gotten to going back to Mexico, feelings wise. Mayor. Why couldn't I live with him. He has a house. It feels like a home. Why can't I go back to Mexico, but bring Mayor back with me. That would be the best thing ever. I would have everything, including Mayor. I'm tired now. Writing makes me tired. I'm going to bed to think about the rainbow in the grey sky.

Hasta Luego,
