Sasha's Author Website

Fiction Story

It was about 3:00 in the afternoon when Jane and Layla stepped onto their small old motor boat. Layla was the older sister, so she was the one who would be driving. It took a few tries to get it started, but finally the boat turned on. They pulled out of the dock and started slowly going further and further out into the ocean. They knew they had to be back before it got dark, because their dad couldn’t find out that they had taken the boat out alone. They were going straight out into the ocean for about twenty minutes, when they saw an island in the distance. Layla decided they would go explore, so she put the boat at high speed and steered over to the island. They pulled up and threw the anchor over the side of the boat into the water. They jumped off the boat and waded through shallow, water warm onto the beach. They started to walk into the trees that were just off the sand. There was a small path that led deeper into the island, and they decided to follow it. They walked about 15 minutes on the path, when they ended up at a cave. The sun was about to set, and they had a long boat ride back home ahead of them, so they turned around and ran back to the beach. Jane started pulling the anchor up and Layla tried to turn the boat on, but it wouldn’t start. This is when she started to panic. If they didn’t get back home before their dad got home from work, they would never be allowed to leave the house again. Layla frantically tried starting the boat over and over again, but it wouldn’t work. They decided that they would just have to take the heat from their dad, and stay the night on the island. They got some emergency food and water from the boat and made the 15 minute walk back to the cave. They finally made it, right as the sun and went down. The cave was damp inside, with sand and pebbles as the floor. They started looking around the cave. It had a bunch of little crevices and holes in the walls. Jane saw something sticking out of one of the holes. She reached in and pulled out a locket. It looked familiar. She opened it and inside was a picture of her and Layla on the left side and a picture of their mom on the right. Before their mother had passed away, she had always talked about an island that she would go to. This must have been it. They kept searching the cave for anything else she might have left. And in the back of the cave was a small hole in the wall, and inside was a journal. Jane and Layla read it. It was their mothers. She talked about all the time she had spent at that island and how special it was. She also said how she wished she could've taken her daughters there. They fell asleep reading the journal, and when they woke up it was morning. The sun had just risen and they walked back over to the boat. They pulled up the anchor and Layla went to start the boat, expecting it to make horrible noises and not start. But it turned on the first try. They looked at each other with shock and relief. It was almost like they were meant to stay on the island. They made their way back to the main island. They snuck back into the house, and their dad didn’t even notice that they had left.