Academic Integrity

Copying the work of others, and any other manner of cheating, is unacceptable. This is true for both the giver and receiver of such work.

(If you believe that someone else is copying off of you, do your best to make it difficult, and when you get a chance discreetly let me know so that you do not get in trouble for it.)

This will apply to Mastery Checks and any other assignments which are clearly intended to be your individual work only.

That being said, Computer Science is inherently collaborative. I expect you to ask questions of your classmates when you don’t understand something. 

Plagiarism and Integrity

A note on plagiarism: Distance learning makes it very tempting to copy other students’ work and to copy directly from the internet. Please do your own work. Copying someone else’s work will result in zero points for both students, and an office referral.