
Free verse 

Rain After Dust

It's a feeling 

Like being washed away

Rain like an eraser 

Kicks up the dust

You are not subtle 

It knows you are starting over

It knows all about you

It isn’t you

You could help

Wash away others 

Dust will coat them

It's your choice



Baking in my home,

cookies are messy, and fun

until I must clean.



To feel like a kid 

You won't have much quid

You always hid

Because being an adult is mid

Childhood is gold 

You must not grow old

There is a mold 

You must not be controlled

I grew up there is no color

My work gets duller

I am not meant scholar

It would be amazing to be smaller


To the stars

Going on an adventure

with most of my buddies,

while ignoring most of my studies.

My GPA doesn't like adventures, 

we go to the coast,

late at night we think we hear a ghost.

For adventure you have to be fit.

It is a form of type two fun,

only cool after you make it,

but you have to be ready to run.

Oh no!,

Where is Johnny?

He wasn't very old, he wasn't very kind,

but one thing was for sure he got left behind.

What were his parents going to think, 

As we continued the trip without him, 

Because the night was very grimm.

For adventure you have to be fit.

It is a form of type two fun,

only cool after you make it,

but you have to be ready to run.

The next morning we didn't find Johnny.

Almost better that way,

so we all decided to pray.

For what would we have done with his body?

We went on home with no Johnny in our car,

for he was long gone, now probably a star. 


Horse rock

Walking into woods,

every step the city fades,

nature consumes me,

thinking about everything,

my values are only near me.


This is a page from Huckleberry Finn