Teaching and Learning

The Teaching and Learning components of the School Reopening Plan provide for continuity of learning through both in-person and remote instruction. Due to the enrollment and the configuration of the schools in the district, a hybrid model will not be necessary unless we are directed by the Governor and the New York State Education Department. However, the district did issue a parent/guardian survey to ascertain interest in a hybrid model.

The curricula in all subject areas is currently aligned with the New York State Learning Standards. The program of instruction provides for substantive interaction between teachers and students in the in-person plan by following the students’ schedules. A fully remote learning model (parent choice - Item A) will run concurrently with in-person learning for students in grades K-12.

In order to provide equity in the event of local or state school closure, students will have clear opportunities for instruction that are accessible to all students and aligned with New York State Education Department Standards. In the remote instruction model (all students - Item B), elementary students will follow a modified version of their schedules and secondary students will follow their regular schedules within a modified time schedule. In both the elementary and secondary levels, teachers will be providing real-time, teacher-facilitated daily instruction using, as a minimum requirement, the G-Suite platform.

Secondary students are issued Google Chromebooks as part of the one-to-one initiative. In September of 2020, all K-6 elementary students will also receive Google Chromebooks. The bandwidth in the district is presently two gigabytes. The district will increase the bandwidth by an additional gigabyte for the 2020-2021 school year. In addition, confirmation of students’ access to Wi-Fi in their homes was confirmed in the district’s survey. Families with less than adequate Wi-Fi access were provided information on how to access low cost or free Wi-Fi access through local internet providers. Please see Technology and Connectivity for More Information.

The district will incorporate a clear communication plan for how students and their families and caregivers can contact the school and teachers with questions about instruction and/or technology. Students, families and caregivers may contact the school district by phone or email. Staff email is accessible to all families through the district website. In addition, the G-Suite platform provides an ability for teachers and students to communicate. The district website is translatable into multiple languages.

The district has its own Pre-Kindergarten program. The Pre-Kindergarten program complies with health and safety guidelines outlined in the New York State Education Department guidance and DOH requirements. The district’s Pre-Kindergarten program is included in the Instructional Plan.

In-Person: All Grade Levels

  • The district has instituted health and safety protocols, following AAP, CDC, and DOH guidelines for the full return of students.

  • The delivery of instruction will occur real time in each classroom as students and teachers follow safety precautions by wearing masks and adhering to protocols set forth in the health section LINK of the school reopening plan.

  • Some larger classes will be split or moved to spaces in the schools that can provide proper accommodations according to CDC and DOH guidelines.

  • In the event that a student is unable to attend school due to a documented medical condition as stipulated by the NYSED, home tutoring will be provided, or parents may select the remote learning option. The medical documentation must be recently obtained from a licensed medical professional. Depending on the medical condition of the student, the family may elect to have the student access his/her education via the remote instruction plan.

  • The minimum expectation is for all teachers to use the G-Suite platform when providing real time, teacher-facilitated daily instruction.

Hybrid: All Grade Levels

Should the district offer a hybrid model, delineated below is a description of the model at the elementary and secondary levels.


In a hybrid instructional model, elementary students would be split into two cohorts, representing approximately 50% of the students. Students would come to school on an alternating week basis. Those students that are in-school would receive instruction from their teachers as usual. Those students that are participating at home in a remote environment, would receive their instruction asynchronously. Students would alternate one week in-person, one week at-home, remotely.

Specials and related services (DTC, Resource Room, OT, PT) would be delivered asynchronously for those students during their remote time.

This schedule does not apply to students enrolled in our 6:1, 8:1, and 12:1 classes as well as some ELL and 15:1 students who would attend school every day, five days a week.

The main reason for alternating week is for child care planning purposes.

This plan would look like:


In a hybrid instructional model, most secondary students would be split into two cohorts, representing approximately 50% of the students. Students would come to school two or three days per week, alternating weekly. Those students that are in-school would receive instruction from their teachers as usual. Those students that are participating at home in a remote environment, would “remote” into their usual classes, receiving their instruction from their regular teachers. This schedule does not apply to students enrolled in our 6:1, 8:1, and 12:1 classes as well as some ELL and 15:1 students who would attend school every day, five days a week.

This plan would look like:


Currently, the District has offered students and parents the option of selecting remote instruction for those that do not feel comfortable attending school in-person on a daily basis. This remote instruction will be provided real-time, teacher facilitated daily instruction using, at a minimum, the G-Suite for Education platform.

A. Remote: Parent Choice (Optional)


  • A teacher(s) will be assigned to deliver the instruction for each grade level in the elementary level (K-6).

  • The schedule will follow the description of the schedule under the Remote section, Item A.

  • Instruction will be provided daily and in real-time using the Google Suite platform.

  • Chromebooks will be provided to all students in K-6 at the start of the school year.


  • Students will follow their daily schedule and report to class remotely at the assigned times of their schedule as they would if they were attending school in-person.

B. Remote: All Students

If the Governor of New York State and NYSED require the closure of schools, the district will move to remote instruction using the following parameters delineated below for elementary, pre-kindergarten, and secondary students.


  • Chromebooks will be provided to all students in K-6 at the start of the school year.

  • A special schedule will be established that will allow for real-time teaching by faculty in general education, special areas, and support services from Monday through Thursday. (Remote schedule, Item B)

  • The minimum expectation is for all teachers to use the G-Suite platform when providing real time, teacher-facilitated daily instruction.

  • Support Services include Special Education, Speech, ENL, Math AIS, Reading AIS, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy.

  • The Friday schedule will include:

      1. Social Emotional Support services provided by psychologists, social workers and the elementary guidance counselor from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.

      2. All faculty in general education, special areas, and support services will be available in 20 minute blocks from 12:00 pm to 3:05 pm for real-time check-ins for students in their classes.

      3. All faculty in general education, special areas, and support services teachers will be receiving professional development to facilitate continuous improvements in remote instruction from 8 am to 12 pm.


  • Morning Pre-K will be from 8:00 am to 10:30 am.

  • Afternoon Pre-K will be from 12:00 pm to 2:30 pm.

  • All instruction will be real time, teacher-facilitated daily instruction from Monday to Thursday.

  • Alternating Fridays will be instruction and then professional development for teachers. The first Friday will be for Morning Pre-K and the second Friday will be for Afternoon Pre-K. A schedule will be provided by the teachers.


  • The minimum expectation is for all teachers to use the G-Suite platform when providing real time, teacher-facilitated daily instruction.

  • Students will follow their regularly scheduled classes from Monday through Thursday in a modified time frame as designated under the Remote schedule section for JHS or HS.

  • The Friday schedule will include:

      1. Social Emotional Support services provided by psychologists, social workers and guidance counselors from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.

      2. Students will follow a 20-minute block schedule from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm for real-time check-ins with their teachers as designated under the Schedule section.

      3. All teachers will be receiving professional development to support continuous improvements in the on-line platforms from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Special Education

Special Education services will be delivered as per IEP mandates.

English as a New Language (ENL)/Multilingual Learner (MLL)

ENL (MLL) services will be delivered in compliance with Part 154 regulations.