Technology and Connectivity

The Three Village Central School District has developed a technology plan to provide access and equity to all K-12 staff, students and their families.

In July of 2020, a Parent/Guardian survey was delivered to all district households. Survey data shows that 82% of households have access to high speed internet, 16% reported slow or unreliable internet access, and 1% indicated access to the internet through a wireless data plan. Social workers and psychologists will be identifying households in need of access to high speed internet. The district will be delivering WiFi hotspots to homes where connectivity is limited.

Three Village Central School District already has a one-to-one device program for students in grades 7-12. The district is expanding the one-to-one offering, providing a device for every student in grades K-6. Devices will be deployed at the end of August 2020, and will be available for immediate use at the start of the 2020-21 school year. Elementary student devices will remain in the classroom for the duration of the in-person instructional plan; in the event the district needs to move to a remote instructional plan, these devices will be sent home.

In July of 2020, a Faculty survey was distributed to all instructional staff. Survey data shows that 79% of faculty have access to high speed internet, 19% reported slow or unreliable internet access, and 2% indicated access to the internet through a wireless data plan. The district will be delivering WiFi hotspots to instructional staff with limited connectivity.

Three Village Central School District already has a one-to-one device program for all teachers. The district is expanding the one-to-one offering, providing a device for every Teaching Assistant.

In all instructional plans (in-person, hybrid, or remote), students will participate in learning by using the G-Suite for Education platform, including Google Classroom and Google Meet. Using these platforms and technology in all forms of instruction will allow for continuity in the event of a crisis that results in school closure. Teachers will check for understanding using authentic assessment, formative assessment technology tools, and during real-time contact with students.

For more information on the district's tools and implementation methods, please visit our Instructional Definitions document.