Frequently Asked Questions


I am looking to move into Three Village, how do I know if an address is in your district?

What school will my children be going to? Is there a map of the district?

I am moving to Three Village soon, how do I register my children?

I am moving to Three Village but my children go to private school or are home schooled. Do I have to register with Three Village?

I am moving from one address in Three Village to another address in Three Village, what do I need to do?

What is considered Proof of Residence?

-  Property Deed (usually 2-3 pages Indenture page, Notary page and Schedule A) OR

-  Property Tax Bill from Town of Brookhaven OR

-  Current lease with your signature notarized


-      If you do not have a formal lease agreement: Both an Affidavit of Residence naming all persons living in the residence, completed by the Homeowner with their signature notarized, 󠄖and the Homeowner’s Deed or Property Tax Bill will be your Proof of Residence.

I am moving to an address outside Three Village, what do I need to do?


We are under contract to buy a house but haven’t closed yet, can we begin an Online Registration Application?

Which document from my closing is the Deed?

What documents do you require for registration?

-  Property Deed OR

-  Property Tax Bill from Town of Brookhaven OR

-  Current lease with your signature notarized


-      If you do not have a formal lease agreement: Both an Affidavit of Residence naming all persons living in the residence, completed by the Homeowner with their signature notarized, 󠄖and the Homeowner’s Deed or Property Tax Bill will be your Proof of Residence.


-       Original Birth Certificate

-     Immunization record bearing the signature or stamp of the medical office providing the record

-     Home Language Questionnaire English Spanish Chinese 

-     Release of Records Form 

-     HS Athletic Eligibility Form for students grades 9-12 

-     Custody documents when necessary

-     IEP\504 Plan for Special Education Support

Where can I find the forms I need to complete for Registration?

The FORMS link can be used to locate all documents that may be required, the most often required documents are below:

How long does registration take?


Can I register in person?

Can I complete the Online Registration on my phone?

What if I don’t have a desktop or laptop computer to complete the Online Application?

What if I don’t have a scanner?

What are the deadlines for registration?


My child attends private school so they don’t need to be registered with the public school.

My child is going to transfer from Three Village to a private school, what do I need to do?

My child is going to transfer from a private school to a Three Village school, what do I need to do?


How do I set up a Parent Portal Account?

I cannot locate the email with the information to set up a Parent Portal Account, what can I do to get that information?

I forgot my username/Password, who can I call?

Can I make changes to the information on the Parent Portal?

What information can’t be changed in the Parent Portal?