Required Medical Forms

Additional Medical Forms (As Applicable)

Students are not permitted to take medication while at school unless such medication is administered by the authorized school personnel acting under specific written request of the parent or guardian and under the written directive of the student’s personal physician. This policy covers all prescriptions, as well as over-the-counter medication e.g., Tylenol, Ibuprofen. Please refer to the Board of Education Policy for more detailed information. 

BOE Policy on the Administration of Medicine in School

Guide to Determining Assistance in Medication Delivery

Emergency Care Plans for Allergy/Anaphylaxis, Asthma, and Seizure Disorders must be completed in their entirety by an authorized Health Care Provider.  

Requests for Exemption from wearing a face mask or from NYS DOH Immunization requirements must be completed by an authorized Health Care Provider.

Exemption Form: