Choosing Phenomena

Phenomena are everywhere. The key to choosing them is to remember that phenomena do not have to be phenomenal. Choosing phenomenon that students have experienced and can relate to provides a bridge for learning that leads to deeper conceptual understanding of the science behind the phenomenon that they can then apply to phenomenon they have not experienced.  More importantly, it fuels curiosity and a sense of wonder about the world in which we live. A great place to start is by brainstorming things that you notice and wonder about: there are more potholes in springtime, you get chills with a fever, sugar dissolves faster in hot tea than iced tea, there are different kinds of clouds in the sky, trees bud at different times of the year, some metals rust, people have different eye colors....... Engaging students in this process using a structure such as "I notice, I wonder" makes the learning more personal and relevant.  

“When students understand that phenomena have causes, they are better prepared to seek evidence to support explanations; helping students see causes for phenomena about which they are curious is a powerful way to motivate learning.” -Brett Moulding- Framework writer,  author of A Vision and Plan for K-12 Instruction

Guiding questions to consider when choosing a phenomenon: 

Once you have a phenomenon you are considering for a lesson or sequence of lessons, unwrap the phenomenon to discover how the crosscutting concepts can be used to connect the disciplinary core ideas to explain the phenomenon. The next step is to align the phenomenon to the standards based on grade level appropriateness. 

Unwrapping a Phenomenon

Resources to Support 

A Vision and Plan for Science Teaching and Learning from Brett Moulding, Dr. Rodger Bybee, and Nicole Paulson

Phenomenal GRC Lessons- Going 3D-Choosing Phenomenon