ZilPay Wallet Extension for Chrome, Safari and Firefox 

ZilPay is both a crypto wallet and a browser that you can use in Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and Brave. It permits users to interact with the Zilliqa blockchain without using a full node. Because it's a bridge between a blockchain and a browser, it eases Zilliqa usage and lets you run Zilliqa applications from within its browsers. Also, developers can merge smart contract calls and enable the wallet to function with dApps (decentralized applications). This makes it simpler for creators to work with the blockchain. 

ZilPay Wallet Extension is an HD Wallet and remains safe by storing the private keys in the user's web browser. It's an open-source wallet, permitting the community to check the code to confirm it remains safe.

Why Choose ZilPay Wallet? 

Developers created ZilPay Wallet out of the requirements of creating safe and usable Zilliqa-based websites. In particular, it connects users to the blockchain and handles account management. 

Account Management 

ZilPay permits users to handle accounts and private keys differently, like hardware wallets (Ledger), while separating them from the site context. 

This safety measure comes with developer ease: The developers can easily interact with the universally accessible Zilliqa API. ZilPay wallet understandably provides users a way to make them informed to have a simple API.  

Blockchain Connection 

ZilPay comes with easy and quick connections to the Zilliqa blockchain. This permits users to begin without synchronizing the complete node while offering the feature to upgrade the safety of their preferred blockchain provider over time. 

ZilPay is compatible with the blockchain that has Zilliqa Compatible JSON RPC API, like private and custom blockchains.   

Blockchain Application 

ZilPay makes writing UIs (user interfaces) to smart contact systems simple. Users can accept payments without knowing about smart contracts but can do more interesting things. 

Support Multiple Operating Systems

ZilPay is a web browser extension that you can use in the following browsers: Brave, Opera, Chrome, and Firefox. It allows a connection to the Zilliqa blockchain. ZilPay provides a connection between the blockchain and the web browser; it can simplify Zilliqa usage and enables users to run Zilliqa applications from within their web browser.

How to Set Up ZilPay Wallet Extension 

How to Restore Accounts on ZilPay Wallet? 

There are times when you require to restore your accounts because of the following reasons: 

In all these situations, you must know how to recover your accounts. 


ZilPay Wallet is an excellent wallet if you are interested in buying a comparatively small amount of ZIL. It is the best method to familiarize yourself with crypto transactions, as the interface is user-friendly. If you want to hold ZIL, then a cold (offline) wallet is a better option. Read through the above informative guide to learn more about ZilPay.