English Learner Program

Mrs. Mary Tubbs

EL Coordinator

Mokapu Elementary

Ph. 254-7964, ext. 230


Aloha and Welcome to Mokapu's English Learner site!

We may not be under the same roof, but that doesn't mean the fun of learning stops. By clicking the Class Links tab above, our military EL students can access Imagine Learning at Home, my Google Classroom, audio books, e-books, read alongs, science videos, encyclopedias, and more! Newcomers please read about our program below and feel free to contact me with any questions.

Take care and happy reading! Mrs. Tubbs

HOW TO GET INTO THE ENGLISH LEARNER (EL) PROGRAM Referrals for EL services are initiated by the school registrar in response to a 2nd language being noted on your child's enrollment form. Alternatively, teachers or parents may contact the EL coordinator to have a Student Focus Meeting after which a referral for services may be made. Potential English Learners are assessed for English Language proficiency in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Parents receive a report of these test results.

The EL Program

The English Learner program helps to assure equal access to educational opportunities for linguistically and culturally diverse students. The EL Program supports the Department’s mission to provide standards-based education through supplementary instructional and acculturation activities.


Hawaii's English Learners are educated, healthy, and joyful lifelong learners who develop their cultural and linguistic identities in order to contribute positively to our community and global society.

Program Goals

​​​ The English Learner (EL) Program ensures that students with limited English proficiency in (1) have access to educational opportunities by providing services that assist with the attainment of English language proficiency (2) develop high levels of academic achievement in English, and (3) meet the same challenging state academic standards all students are expected to meet. Services to EL Program students include instructional services consisting of English as a Second Language (ESL) type instruction and acculturation activities.

EL Program services are provided through implementation of the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its regulations, as well as the Equal Educational Opportunities Act (EEOA) of 1974. With regard to students with limited English proficiency, Title VI and its regulations require that students are able to participate in, or benefit from their educational programs. Services to EL Program students also implement the requirements of Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Title III requires that EL Program students attain English proficiency, and meet the same challenging academic standards all students are expected to meet.

About the Teacher ~


Reading Specialist Credential (K-12)

Nationally Certified School Psychologist

Hawaii/California State Teaching Credentials

Masters of Education, San Francisco State University

Bachelor’s of Arts, University of California at Berkeley

Professional Affiliations:

National Association of School Psychologists

National Education Association

Healthy Climate Communities Project

Who’s Who in American Education

Who’s Who in America

Public School’s Hawaii Good Idea Grant Awardee

Mrs. Tubbs has served the children of Hawaii in many roles since 1983: She has served as a Diagnostic-Prescriptive Teacher, Psychological Examiner, Title I Coordinator, English Language Learner Program Coordinator, Curriculum Coordinator, Testing Coordinator, Teacher (General Education, Special Education, & Academically Gifted-Talented), Data Coach, and Literacy Coach. Her travels have taken her to many countries in Europe, Mexico, Canada, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan.