Teaching Online with 2U

Module 5A: Navigating the Gradebook - Assignments

5.2 Assignment Submissions

5.2.1 Assignment Submissions

Many courses have at least one Assignment Submission page, allowing students to upload written assignments, exams, Excel files, PowerPoint presentations, and other documents related to their coursework.

Students find and submit assignments from the Assessments or Assignments page (exact naming varies) within a course’s Coursework. Once a student submits their work, the assignment submission is automatically transferred to the Gradebook section of your course.


Faculty teaching multiple sections have the option to grade more than one section at a time or switch between their sections.

To grade all sections at once, select My Sections from the drop down at the top of the Gradebook. If you want to grade only one section at a time, you can select the section you want to grade from the same drop down.

Additionally, you can filter what section you are grading within the Item View of an assignments by selecting the filter icon next to the Section column.

On the pop-up, check which sections you want to grade and then click save. Filtering will only show the students enrolled in the section/s you selected for grading.

5.2.3 Viewing Student Submissions

This document provides a walk-through on how to access student submissions in the Gradebook:

Viewing Student Submissions Reference Guide

5.2.4 Item View

This document provides a walk-through of the Item View functionality in Gradebook:

Item View Reference Guide

5.3 Entering Grades and Feedback


This image reviews the student submission view page and the different options available for faculty to view, grade, and provide feedback on graded student items:

      1. Score/Grade

      2. Comments and Feedback section

      3. Upload file (for uploading a rubric or an annotated version of the initial submission)

      4. Download file directly to your computer

      5. View and Annotate (feedback) in CritiqueIt

      6. Allow Resubmit

      7. Date/Time Stamp of Submission

This document can be shared with students. It will walk them through the process of submitting assignments within Atrio and TurnItIn.

Student Submission Instructions (Atrio)

Note: After a student has uploaded an assignment to the Gradebook, they must then submit those documents for grading. In some cases, they may hold off on submitting, either in order to continue working on a submission, or because they forgot to submit. Regardless of the reason, when a student uploads a document to an assignment but does not submit, this will be indicated in the Gradebook as a Submission in Progress. This will let you know that a student is working on and has uploaded some content but has yet to hit the Submit for Grading button. If a student’s assignment is in Submission in Progress status after a due date, you may have to reach out to that student or have the student contact Student Success.


This segment will discuss the types of feedback options available to faculty and considerations around which will work best depending on the goals/outcome of the faculty.

The Gradebook is equipped with an in-line document viewing and annotation tool that enables faculty to view student assignments and provide text and video feedback directly on a student’s submissions. Section Instructors have the ability to control when students receive their grade through use of the Gradebook publishing feature. For group projects and assignments, Course Leads have the ability to enable group grading; allowing one submission for the group and one grade to be published to the entire group. Additionally, each student will have an academic profile in the Gradebook that provides faculty with a snapshot of how each student is performing to support performance conversations with students.


The following video provides a walk-through on how to grade student submitted documents with in-line annotations.

You may also refer to the Grading Assignments with CritiqueIt Reference Guide:

2020 CritiqueIt Reference Guide.pdf
providing feedback in critiqueit_v2.mp4

This demo video will discuss the following:

      1. Feedback Tools

        • Text Tool

          • Comments/Annotations

          • In-Line Video Feedback

        • Rectangle Tool

        • Circle Tool

        • Arrow Tools

        • Freehand Tool

      2. Student Responses to Feedback

      3. Changing User Marks Color

      4. Returning to Submission View

      5. Scoring

      6. Publishing

      7. Navigating to Other Students

5.3.4 Downloading Assignments

This image demonstrates how to download student submissions individually or as a group and re-upload them for students to view:


A feature of the Gradebook is being able to provide feedback and grades to students within Atrio. However, there will be some instances where you prefer to download student submissions and grade outside of Atrio. If you choose to use this method of grading, you can select the Download All button from within the Item View to download all student submissions at once and save them to your computer.

If you choose this method, you will have to re-upload each individual student assignment into Atrio to provide students with their feedback and a grade; there is no upload all option.

Note: When you choose to download all submissions at once, Atrio will prepare and deliver the file sets to you via a link to the finished zip folder of files when ready. This guarantees prevention of timeout issues with Atrio and provides a track record of all file sets for faculty.

Upon download, you will be presented with a message informing you that you will receive the files in two places:

      • The e-mail you have on file in Atrio.

      • A notification on the Atrio dashboard (bell icon on the left side navigation bar).

5.3.5 FEEDBACK FOR VIDEO Submissions

Once a student submits a video for their assignment, you will have the ability to provide feedback via CritiqueIt.

The following document provides step-by-step instructions on how to grade these types of submissions:

Feedback for Video Submissions Reference Guide


This document provides an overview of the TurnItIn plagiarism detection service that is available to faculty members in select programs.

Some programs and courses use TurnItIn for plagiarism detection. If your course uses this feature, you will notice a column labeled Similarity next to the file that the student has submitted when viewing student submissions in the Gradebook. The Similarity column indicates how similar each student’s assignment is to other published and internet sources.

To view the specific results for a student, click View Report. The report will highlight the relevant sections and identify any previously published or submitted work that matches the student’s assignment submission.

Please Note: It may take up to 24 hours for TurnItIn to process a student’s submission. During this time, you may see Upload In Progress listed under the Similarity column. You may still grade the submission during this period; however, there will not be a TurnItIn report available until the processing is complete.

If you have specific questions on a student’s TurnItIn report or the similarity threshold acceptable for your university, please reach out to your Course Lead for assistance.

TurnItIn Reference Guide



Students' scores can be added in both the Item View and Student View of an assignment.

The following images will display how and where faculty can enter grades for student assignments:

5.4.2 Leaving COMMENTS

The Student View will also provide a space to give comments as feedback to a specific student. This image provides instructions on adding feedback to submitted assignments, uploading a rubric or comments page, and/or sharing a link with feedback:


Once you are complete with grading student submissions and ready for students to see their scores, the Gradebook gives you control over the release of grades so that you can easily manage the grades that students can view and when they can view them.

This document will provide detailed instructions on how to publish grades to students in Atrio’s gradebook:

Publishing Grades to Students

5.5 Advanced functionality


There may be situations in which you wish to allow a student to resubmit an assignment, either because they accidentally uploaded the wrong file or because you would like to give them a second attempt.

To allow a student to resubmit an assignment:

    1. Navigate to the student's submission

    2. Scroll down to the bottom of the files the student submitted

    3. Select the Allow Resubmission button. This will allow the student to re-submit their assignment through the assignment submission page in their Coursework.

After a student is allowed to resubmit, their original submission will still be available for viewing along with any annotations made by both the faculty member and student in the original submission.

NOTE: Resubmit is currently not available for Group Assignments.


Certain assignments can be found in the Gradebook that are not scored but rather count as credit/no credit. For these items faculty can view, download, and provide feedback in the same manner as any other assignment. However, the only options for grading will be credit or no-credit and this can be changed by clicking the score area and choosing one of the two options.

This image demonstrates the process for grading credit or no credit on an assignment:


Certain items in your Gradebook do not have an associated score or credit/no credit option. These items are normally used for mandatory assignments or attendance. These scores can not be edited but can be published for students to view.


Note: Extra Credit items can only be added if a Course Lead requests an extra credit item to be added during the iteration phase of a course. If you have questions on extra credit as it relates to grading in your course, please reach out to your Course Lead.

Individual assignments can be set as extra credit items that are not part of the overall course total. These items, if graded and published, will only affect a student’s final grade in a positive way. They do not negatively impact a student’s grade if the student does not complete or partially completes the extra credit assignment. Extra credit items within the Gradebook are marked as extra credit to let both faculty and students know this item is extra credit.


In some courses, student asynchronous responses may be graded. This document will walk you through the process of grading these assignments in your Gradebook:

Grading Assignments Not Included in the Gradebook

5.5.6 Grading discussions

If your course has discussions that require grading, the Discussions page will walk you through the process of doing so.



A feature of the Gradebook is the ability to grade group assignments. Once the Course Lead has enabled group grading for an assignment, the Section Instructor is able to create, edit, delete, and rename groups. This function is advantageous for both students and faculty because it allows student groups to turn in one submission for the whole group so faculty only have to grade one submission.

The next few lessons will provide detailed instructions for Group Grading.


The following guide provides step-by-step instructions for course leads on how to enable group grading for group assignments.

  1. Enabled at Course Level by the Course Lead

  2. Choosing an assignment and click Enable Group Grading

  3. Once Enabled, instructors can create, edit, and manage groups

Note: Remember, you must select All Sections from the drop down at the top of the Gradebook page to enable group grading. If the drop down is not set to All Sections, you will not be able to enable group grading for that assignment.

Enable Group Grading (Course Leads Only)


This document provides detailed instructions on how to create and manage groups in Atrio:

Creating and Managing Groups


Once group grading has been enabled for an assignment, the Section Instructor has multiple options to assign students to groups. As previously mentioned, you will be able to manually assign students to specific groups, or you can use the randomly assign feature to assign students to groups in the Gradebook.

To use the assign random groups feature:

  1. Enter into the Item View for the group assignment you are creating groups for.

  2. Then, next to the Create/Manage Groups button, select the three vertical dots. This will give you More Group Actions.

  3. From here, select Create Random Groups. Upon doing this, you will receive a pop-up prompting you to enter how many students you want in each group.

4. A feature of the pop-up is the ability to see how many groups will be created based on your class size and the number of students you want in a group.

5. Once you have determined the number of students you want in each group, select Randomize and the groups will be created for you in the Gradebook.


Once group grading has been enabled for an assignment, the Section Instructor has multiple options to assign students to groups. In addition to being able to manually and randomly assign to specific groups, you can also use the Inherit Groups from Previous Assignments feature to assign students to groups in the Gradebook.

To inherit groups from a previous assignment:

      1. Enter into the Item View for the group assignment you are creating groups for.

      2. Next to the Create/Manage Groups button, select the three vertical dots, which gives you More Group Actions.

      3. Next, select Inherit Groups from Previous Assignments.

        • Upon doing this, you will receive a pop-up prompting you to select what assignment you want to inherit groups from.

      4. From the drop down menu, select which assignment you want to use the same groups.

      5. Finally, click Inherit Groups. This feature is useful for faculty who want to keep the same group of students working together on various group assignments or throughout an entire term.


To grade a Group Assignment:

      1. Hover over the group’s name and select Grade this Group. This will take you to the Group Submission page to view the group’s assignment

      2. You will see that there is one submission for all students in that group. To grade the submission, click on the blue chat icon found under Feedback

      3. Next, you will want to follow the instructions given in the Providing Feedback Using CritiqueIt section of this module.

      4. Once you have provided feedback on the assignment using inline annotations, you can provide an overall group grade in the Group Score field. The student who submitted the document will initially have access to the inline annotations. If a student submits documentation, they can view the in-line annotation feedback left in another group members submission.

This score and any general comments will be made available to each member of the group once published. The student who submitted the document can only view the inline annotations. The following group members can view the general comments. If a student submits documentation, they can view the in-line annotation feedback left in another group members submission. You also have the option to provide grades and comments to each individual group member.

When you provide comments and grades to an individual student in the group, only that student will see those comments and/or grade.

To provide individual grades, click on the drop-down icon next to the student’s name and provide individual scores and comments as you see fit.

Essentially, students will be able to view both group grades/comments as well as their own individual grades/comments but not the grades/comments of their group members.