Teaching Online with 2U

Module 4: Live Session Preparation

Module 4 Overview

Total Duration: approximately 30-90 minutes

At a glance:

This module will guide you through the steps needed to create and edit live session links for your classroom. This module also introduces live classroom best practices and outlines processes for requesting a substitute instructor and inviting guest lecturers.

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Create and edit live session links for your online classroom

  • Access your live session recordings

  • Create due dates for student assignments in Atrio

  • Give access to substitutes and guest speakers to your live session

  • Promote an inclusive teaching environment for students with accommodations

In this module:

4.1 Creating Live Session Links

4.2 Starting an Instant Meeting

4.3 Editing Upcoming Meeting Links

4.4 Accessing Live Session Recordings

4.5 Creating Due Dates

4.6 Substitute Instructor Access

4.7 Guest Access to Your Live Session

4.8 Creating an Inclusive Class Environment


Students will only be able to access your live session classroom when you invite them to class by creating a live session link on the learning platform. Create all of your live session links for the term prior to your first class. You can create your Live Session Links once you have access to your course section (typically 2-3 weeks before the start of the term). This same process can be used for creating standing office hours.

To create your live session links, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Atrio and click on the Meetings button on the left side navigation bar.

2. Select Create Meeting from the upper right side of the screen.

3. Fill in the information for your weekly live sessions. You can use the repeat meeting function under Recurrence for sessions that occur the same time every week.

Once the Repeat Every checkbox is selected, you will be able to indicate how often the link should be repeated (ie. every week, every 2 weeks, etc.), which day(s) of the week the sessions occur, and what date you’d like the link creation to end.

4.2 Starting an Instant Meeting

At times you may want to practice the functionalities of Zoom by yourself or with an Instructional Consultant. To ensure that your Zoom account is linked to your university program’s account rather than a personal or professional account, we recommend always starting an instant meeting from your Atrio.

When to use your instant meetings:

  • One-on-One Meetings with Students or Faculty

  • Coaching Sessions

  • Individual Office Hours

  • Regular Check-Ins

To create an instant meeting follow these steps:

1. Log into Atrio

2. Click on the Meetings button on the left side navigation bar

3. Click Start Instant Meeting from the upper left side of the screen to enter your Live Session

Note: Instant meetings do not populate on the meetings page for others like created meetings do. If you want someone to join you in your instant meeting, you will have to share your meeting link with them while in the room through the invite button on the bottom of the Participants list.

4.3 Editing Upcoming Meeting Links

In some situations you may need to edit an existing meeting link.

To edit an existing meeting link follow these steps:

1. Log into Atrio and click on the Meetings button on the left side navigation bar.

2. Scroll down the page to the Upcoming Meeting section. Next to the meeting you want to edit you will see a pencil icon, click the drop down arrow next to the icon.

3. You will be given two options; edit instance and edit series (for recurring meetings).

If you are not able to find the meeting you want to edit, click on the View All button on the right side of the upcoming meetings section for the full list of meetings you’ve created.

Edit Meeting Instance: This option only allows you to change date, time, duration or name of the meeting because all series data is read only.

Edit Meeting Series: This option allows you to edit All recurring meetings at one time. Selecting this will override any previous changes to one of the meeting instances.


If necessary, you have the option to delete the entire series or instance from the meeting page. You may need to delete a meeting link if:

  • Class is cancelled

  • Class is not being held that week

  • You have a substitute teaching your students for a class. For more information on how to request a substitute instructor, please refer to section 4.6 Substitute Instructor Access of this module.

To delete an existing meeting link follow these steps:

1. Log into Atrio and click on the Meetings button on the left side navigation bar.

2. Scroll down the page to the Upcoming Meeting Section. Next to the meeting you want to delete you will see a pencil icon, click the drop down arrow next to the icon. You will be given two options; edit instance and edit series. Select the appropriate option for the meeting(s) you are going to delete.

3. Scroll to the bottom and select Delete Meeting in the lower left side of the Edit Meeting or Edit Series page.

4. Before your meeting is deleted, a confirmation will appear with the specific number of meetings impacted within the series. You will want to confirm these meetings are the instances you want to delete before clicking Delete All.

4.4 Accessing Live Session Recordings

At times you may want to review a recording in order to determine attendance or review student participation in class.

To access recordings of your live sessions, follow these steps:

1. Log into Atrio and click on the Meetings button on the left side navigation bar.

2. Scroll down to the Past Meetings section.

3. Hover over the meeting that you want to want to watch the recording for. A play button icon will appear on the far right

4. Click the play button to watch the meeting recording.

Only you, your students, and others instructors who were on the meeting invite will be able to access the live session recordings.

4.5 Creating Due Dates

Faculty have the opportunity to create Due Dates for graded assignments. Adding Due Dates in Atrio will allow students to view upcoming assignments on their student dashboard page and help to promote self-regulated study and the prioritization of upcoming assignments.

Note: Setting Due Dates does not prevent students from submitting any assignments prior to or after the date assigned.

Student Dashboard View

The blue assignment link directs the student to the assignment page, where they can complete the assignment and mark the assignment complete.

Note: Once a student marks the assignment as Complete, the due date for that assignment will no longer appear on their dashboard. Any future assignments with Due Dates created will then take their place on the student dashboard.

The following video details the process of adding a due date to student assignments and submissions.

This demo video will discuss the following:

  • Navigating to Coursework

  • Choosing Assessments

  • Editing Due Dates: Date/Time + Save

  • Student’s View Due Date

New Due Date Video - Aaron Gamache.mp4

4.6 Substitute Instructor Access

We understand there may be times when you are unable to teach your live session as scheduled. Each program has slightly different policies about how to respond and who to contact in such a situation. If you are uncertain about these policies, please contact your course lead or program leadership for more information.

If another instructor will be substituting for you, Faculty Support will need to give that individual access to your course. Please complete the following steps to ensure the substitution occurs as smoothly as possible.

Steps for Substitute Instructor Access

1. Contact Faculty Support as soon as possible (ideally at least a week prior to the session) and provide the following information:

  • Your full name

  • Your course number

  • Your section number

  • The substitute instructor's full name

  • The date and time of the substitution

  • Any additional relevant details about the situation; such as, a student with accommodations.

Faculty Support will provide the substitute with instructor access to your course section(s) and send you a confirmation email.

2. Delete any live session links you created for the date/time of substitution and send teaching materials (PowerPoint presentation, notes, agenda, etc.) to the substitute instructor.

3. The substitute instructor will create a new live session link for your students. The live session will take place in the substitute's classroom.

4. Post a message on your course wall alerting students to the change in instructors so that they will look for the substitute's live session link instead.

4.7 Guest Access to Your Live Session

At times, you may wish to invite a guest speaker or student who is not registered for your section to attend your live session. Since these individuals do not have access to your course on the learning platform, they will not be able to view the live session link you create for your students.

In order for guests to join your live session you will need to enter into the backend of Zoom and provide the guest with the direct link to your meeting.

The link will allow access from any Zoom account, both in browser and in app as long as your guest can input the link.

Follow these steps to access the direct meeting link:

    1. Enter into your Zoom profile page through the Zoom website and select Meetings from the left side navigation bar.

    2. Select the Meeting you would like to invite your guest to.

    3. Click Copy Invitation which will copy to your computer's clipboard, and send that to your guest with the meeting date and time. Your guest will be able to join your meeting by clicking that link.

4.8 Creating an Inclusive Class Environment

You may have students in your classes who have disabilities and require accommodations. Accommodations could take many forms, including live captioning during class sessions, voice over audio, audio descriptions of nonverbal cues given within coursework videos, and extra time on tests. If accommodations require the enhancement and/or adaption of 2U technology, Faculty Success may contact you for additional required training.

Any students seeking accommodations for a disability should be directed to the university’s office of disability services for evaluation of their request. Accommodation approval must come from that office and not from instructors. If you have not received communication from disability services, please encourage your student to reach out directly to them or to Student Support to begin the process for requesting needed accommodations.

In addition to the procedural aspects of implementing accommodations, it is also vital you create a welcoming, inclusive environment in which all students feel safe. The following table provides a few basic recommendations for sensitively interacting with students who have disabilities.

Try This

Protect your student’s privacy. If you feel an “in-person” conversation is required to obtain the best grasp on a student’s needs and requested accommodations, arrange a time to meet together privately.

Use Person-first language. If you need to mention the student’s disability in your communications, put the person before the disability. For example, if you were speaking with the Captioner, instead of saying “the disabled student” say “the student with accommodations.” This protects the individual from being reduced to the label for their disability and protects their right to dignity.

Use positive and supportive phrasing. For example, instead of saying, “What issues do you think you’ll have in class?” ask, “What barriers or challenges do you foresee having this term and how can I best support you?” As a general rule of thumb, use empathic language when discussing a student’s accommodations.

Refrain From This

Discuss the student’s disability or accommodations in the presence of others: Do not discuss the student’s disability or accommodations in front of your entire class. This can ostracize or segregate the student from others and risk creating a non-inclusive classroom environment.

Make the student feel like providing accommodations is a burden on you or other students. In order for students who have an accommodation to participate in class successfully, having specific modifications to their learning environment may be required. Being respectful and empathic to the student’s specific needs can show the student you are invested in their success.

Ask the student to disclose his or her disability or accommodations to the class. If the student chooses to share with the class, or self-identify, that is their personal decision and should be done on their own terms. Refrain from sharing any personal information about any of your students without their permission.

Accessibility on a 2U-powered Platform

2U is committed to including students and faculty of all abilities in the opportunities afforded by our programs. We ensure that our learning platforms and integrated tools are accessible and meet global standards for web accessibility.


  • If your student encounters an accessibility barrier or needs an accommodation, you should direct them to your university’s office of disability services.

  • If you’d like to discuss best practices for teaching in an accessible manner, or setting up accommodations in the platform, please feel free to schedule a coaching session with our Instructional Development Team.


For more information, please refer to 2U’s Help Center.

Check For Understanding

Please complete the check for understanding quiz. At the end of the quiz you will be asked to provide your name and university e-mail address. By filling in your name and university e-mail at the bottom you are confirming you have completed Module 4: Live Session Classroom Activities of Teaching Online with 2U Technology.


  • You can create and edit your Zoom live session links in Atrio

  • Students are able to access class recordings through Atrio

  • Contact Faculty Support if you need a substitute for your class

  • Be mindful of inclusive teaching practices


  • Create live session links for your class

  • Schedule a #3 Training: Teaching Preparation with a 2U Instructional Consultant. This training should be scheduled one week before your class start date.

  • Continue to Module 5 where you will learn more about the Gradebook and how to grade student assignments.