Navigating the Digital Campus

This section is designed to help you successfully navigate the Digital Campus and understand its functionality. Below, we've provided a broad overview and basic instructions to help you get started. We'll soon dive into more detailed information on how to edit your profile and course content. 

Course Ribbon Header

Home: the main landing page for the Digital Campus that houses all of your courses, student resources, tutoring and/or academic support links

Dashboard: contains the your course(s) timeline and calendar

My Courses: houses all course(s) you have access to and is completely customizable - courses can be shown in a card , list or summary format

Site Administration: all administrator settings for users, courses, grades, reports, appearance, etc. 

Ribbon Header in Course

Course: landing page for course content - toolbox, live session links, syllabus, content topics etc.

Settings: provides access to course, activity or resource settings

Participants: will display all enrolled students and faculty that have access to the course

My Grades: defaults to grader report for all participants in the course. Allows faculty to customize the view, setup of the grade book and import /export grades.

Reports: houses the activity report, course participation and the roster

More: questions banks and content bank (H5P) can be accessed here

Course Index

The course index is scrollable, collapsable drawer that displays course sections and elements. Are you move up and down the course material, your location is highlighted in the Course index. Clicking on an item in the course index will open it up directly in the course central area. 


In order to access your profile, you must first click the little arrow next to your name at the top right of the page. (see image to the right)

Once you access the Profile section, you will see a screen that looks similar to the image below. Below, find a brief description of each of the sections outlined in blue: User details, Course details, Miscellaneous, Reports, and Login activity

User Details

Edit Profile: allows updates or changes to all profile settings

*This section will be covered in-depth on the next section of this training.

Course Details

Course Profiles: lists all courses that you are associated with.



Login Activity

Breadcrumb Navigation

A breadcrumb is a type of navigation scheme that reveals the user's location in a website or web application.  It allows you to easily navigate to previously visited locations simply by clicking the link in the breadcrumb trail. See the example below

Today's Logs

In the current section, you would be viewing Today's logs in the course. The breadcrumbs (shown in the image below) indicate that you went from Profile to Reports to Today's logs.


Clicking on Reports in the breadcrumb trail (as highlighted in the image below), will take you back to the Reports page of the course.


Clicking on Profile in the breadcrumb trail (as highlighted in the image below), will take you back to the Profile page of the course.