Module 3: Teaching Preparation 

Welcome to the Module 3!  This content is all about getting ready to teach your first live session. You will learn how to create and edit your live session links, access course recordings,  grant guest access to your live sessions, and create an inclusive classroom environment. Take some time to review and work through the content and resources below. If at the end of the module, you have further questions or would just like to talk things over with a training specialist, you can schedule a training. 

Note: This module contains resources that can only be accessed after logging into the Digital Campus. Be sure that, before going through this content, you are logged in. 

3.1 Live Session Links

Creating and Editing Live Session Links - Walks you through creating and editing your live classroom links in the Digital Campus. Students will only be able to access your live session classroom when you invite them to class by creating a live session link in the digital campus. Create all of your live session links for the term prior to your first class.  You can create your Live Session Links once you have access to your course section (typically 2-3 weeks before the start of the term). This same process can be used for creating standing office hours.

3.2 Live Session Recordings

Accessing Live Session Recordings - Shows you how to access your class recordings in the digital campus. At times you may want to review a recording in order to determine attendance or review student participation in class.

3.3 Creating Due Dates

Creating Due Dates - Faculty have the opportunity to create Due Dates for graded assignments. Adding Due Dates in Digital Campus will allow students to view upcoming assignments on their Calendar and help to promote self-regulated study and the prioritization of upcoming assignments.

3.4 Substitute Instructor Access

Substitute/Guest Access - We understand there may be times when you are unable to teach your live session as scheduled. Each program has slightly different policies about how to respond and who to contact in such a situation. If you are uncertain about these policies, please contact your course lead or program leadership for more information. If another instructor will be substituting for you,

3.5 Creating an Inclusive Class Environment

Creating an Inclusive Class Environment - You may have students in your classes who have disabilities and require accommodations. Accommodations could take many forms, including live captioning during class sessions, voice over audio, audio descriptions of nonverbal cues given within coursework videos, and extra time on tests. If accommodations require the enhancement and/or adaption of 2U technology, Faculty Success may contact you for additional required training.

Accessibility on a 2U-powered Platform

Digital accessibility refers to the practice of improving electronic, virtual, computerized, or online documents, apps, and websites for use by the most ubiquitous group as possible. This is achieved by removing and reducing barriers that may prevent interaction or access for all users including those with disabilities. When content, platforms, and products are designed with accessibility at the forefront, all users have equal access to information and functionality. 

2U | edX is committed to including students and faculty of all abilities in the opportunities afforded by our programs. We do our best to ensure that our learning platforms and integrated tools are accessible and meet global standards for web accessibility. Aiming for equitable access, follows the latest guidelines and criteria of W3C WCAG.


SCHEDULE TRAINING: Teaching Preparation

Now that you have reviewed the information in this module, if you have questions or need assistance with any of the topics covered, please sign up for a live training with a member of our team on this page and select Teaching Strategies as your topic.