Editing Your Profile and Settings

Within the Online Campus, the Profile section allows the opportunity for you to edit or add personal information and details. The material below will aide you in updating your profile.

*After updating the information in each section, be sure you scroll to the bottom of the page and click the UPDATE PROFILE button to save all of your changes.


To edit your profile, click Edit profile in the User Details section.


The General profile settings contains general profile information like name, address, time zone, etc.

  1. Username: username required to sign in to the Online Campus (please be aware that some authentication plugins won't allow you to change this)

  2. New Password: password to login to the Online Campus; option to update your existing password

  3. First Name: your first name; option to choose the way your first name is displayed, you can also add Dr., Instructor, Professor, etc.

  4. Surname: your last name; option to choose the last name displayed in profile

  5. Email address: email address associated with your profile

  6. Email Display: option to decide on privacy settings for your email address

  7. City/town: option to include city or town in which you reside

  8. Select a Country: option to include country of residence

  9. Timezone: option to include timezone where you are located

  10. More About Me: option to add information about yourself that will be displayed on your profile page for others to view

Profile Picture

The Profile Picture section of the profile shows your current image and allows you to upload a new image. There is also a section to add descriptive.

Current Picture: displays your current profile picture

New Picture: option to upload a replacement image of yourself that will be visible on your profile. If you don't upload a profile picture the system will attempt to load a profile picture for you from Gravatar.

Picture Description: option enter descriptive text for your image

Additional Names

The Additional Names section is where you can enter the pronunciation of your first and last name, enter you middle name, and add an alternative name if you wish.

First Name -phonetic: option to enter the phonetic pronunciation of your first name.

Surname -phonetic: option to enter the phonetic pronunciation of your first name.

Middle Name: option to enter your middle name

Alternate Name: option to enter an alternative name (nickname) you go by


Use the optional section of the profile to add any additional information that you would like to share, such as links to your web presence, Skype ID, phone number, etc.

ID Number: option to enter your specific identification number

Institution: option to enter the institution where you teach

Department: option to enter the university department to which you belong

Phone: option to enter your phone number

Mobile Phone: option to enter your mobile phone number

Address: option to enter your address