21st Century Public Academy

5th Grade

Welcome To Our Class


We are looking forward to a productive and enjoyable year with all of us working together as a team. We are planning many exciting learning activities. These four expectations/ rules will cover all that we do.

1. Be Responsible:

We want students to become responsible for learning and will help them learn how to do this. We expect:

  • Agendas to be kept up on a daily basis;

  • Assignments and projects to be completed legibly and correctly;

  • Assignments and projects to be turned in ON TIME;

  • Requested school supplies be ready for daily use;

  • Permission slips and homework assignments to be brought to school on time;

  • Students to be ready to learn all day, every day

2. Be Respectful:

We want students to be active, contributing, good citizens of our classroom, school, and community and will help them learn how to do this. We expect:

  • Students to show respect through words, actions, and deeds to themselves, their classmates, to adults, and to anyone else that they will encounter.

  • Students to take care of all learning tools, at all times

  • Students to show appropriate behavior in a a variety of settings.

3. Be Safe:

Safety is one of our primary goals. We will expect your students to:

  • Listen and follow directions.

  • Learn what to do during a variety of situations.

  • Choose appropriate words and actions for a variety of situations.

4. Show Grit:

Grit is a very important word at our school. Goal setting, effort, growth mindset, perseverance, resilience, and making mistakes are all part of GRIT. An easy definition of this word is:

  • Persistence to carry on when things are not easy.

  • Passion to learn new things.

  • Purpose to improve at things we already know how to do.