About Us

Founded in 1909, 1st Ormskirk Scout Group have been spreading fun scouting activities to young people for 110 years. We are proud to be part of Ormskirk and District and are 1st for a reason!

We regularly engage with the local community including parading twice a year, once at Remembrance Sunday and once at St. George's day.​

Our aim is to give young people fun and lovable activities which provide them with skills for life.

When they leave us, many of our Scouts go on to Bubble Factor Explorers who meet in our building, so we have strong bonds with them. Some of them even come back to us as young leaders in different sections!

Our Non-section based team!

Whilst these people are not always around on section nights, they are vital to the smooth running of the group and are frequently at our events.

Dave Redwood - Our Group Scout Leader

Ray Fitzimmonds – Assistant Group Scout Leader

Mark Sutcliffe - Group Chair

Ellie Charters - Group Secretary

Norma Crosley - Group Treasurer

We have our own Scout Hut based on Wigan Road, complete with garden space for fires. Ormskirk and District was given exclusive use of the property in 1914, however it is now owned by 1st Ormskirk Scout Group.