
Research Links for Studying Law.

  • CASE Briefs - A great site for examining numerous cases.
  • The Constitution Center - Based in Philadelphia and a great place to take a field trip, the Constitution Center has comprehensive information on the Constitution and a variety of cases to include in activities.
  • Bureau of Justice Statistics - Great website on legal statistics.
  • JUSTIA - Justia provides access to state and federal statutes and hosts over 2,000 legal blogs. Justia also lets consumers ask questions online and get answers from attorneys.
  • The ABA Journal - The ABA Journal is the flagship magazine of the American Bar Association. The ABA website has breaking legal news, legal analysis, and more.
  • ACLU - The ACLU has been fighting for individual rights and liberties for over 90 years.
  • The Center for International Environmental Law - CIEL focuses on using international law and institutions to protect the environment. On CIEL's website you'll find research papers and publications by topic and year, as well as reports on treaty negotiations and the latest environment-related news from around the world.