Acura Remote Start

Acura Remote Start

Acura has always been synonymous with luxury, and with the advent of remote start technology, the brand has made its vehicles even more convenient and comfortable. With an Acura remote start system, you can start your car from the comfort of your home or office, making it easier to warm up or cool down the cabin before you get in.

If you're considering adding a remote start system to your Acura, there are a few things you need to know. In this article, we'll cover everything from the benefits of a remote start system to the types of systems available and the installation process.

Benefits of Acura Remote Start

One of the biggest advantages of an Acura remote start system is that it allows you to start your car without being inside it. This can be especially useful during the winter months when you want to warm up your car before getting in. By starting your car remotely, you can get the heat going and defrost the windows, so you're ready to go as soon as you get in.

In the summer, remote start can be just as helpful, allowing you to cool down the cabin before you enter the car. This means that you won't have to sit in a hot, stuffy car while the AC kicks in.

Types of Acura Remote Start Systems

There are two types of remote start systems available for Acura vehicles: OEM and aftermarket.

OEM Remote Start Systems

An OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) remote start system is one that's made by the same company that produced your car. Acura offers a range of remote start systems that can be installed by a dealer or purchased as a DIY kit. These systems are designed to work seamlessly with your Acura's existing systems, including the keyless entry and security systems.

Aftermarket Remote Start Systems

An aftermarket remote start system is one that's made by a third-party company and is designed to work with a variety of vehicles, including Acuras. These systems often have more features than OEM systems, such as longer range, smartphone compatibility, and more advanced security options.

How Acura Remote Start Works

Acura remote start systems work by sending a signal from a remote transmitter to a receiver that's installed in the car. The receiver then sends a signal to the car's computer, which starts the engine.

Depending on the system, the remote transmitter may use a radio frequency signal or a cellular signal to communicate with the receiver. Some systems also allow you to start your car using a smartphone app.

Installation Process for Acura Remote Start

Installing a remote start system in your Acura can be done in two ways: DIY or professional installation.

DIY Installation

If you're handy with tools and have experience working on cars, you may be able to install a remote start system yourself. Acura offers DIY remote start kits for some models, and there are also aftermarket kits available.

It's important to note that installing a remote start system yourself can be challenging, and you'll need to have a good understanding of your car's electrical system. If you're not comfortable with this type of work, it's best to leave it the installation to a professional.

Professional Installation

Having a professional install your remote start system ensures that it's done correctly and that the system is compatible with your car's existing systems. Acura dealerships offer remote start installation services, and there are also aftermarket shops that specialize in this type of work.

Professional installation typically costs more than DIY installation, but it's worth the investment if you want to ensure that your remote start system works correctly and won't cause any damage to your car.

How to Use Acura Remote Start

Using an Acura remote start system is usually as simple as pressing a button on the remote transmitter. The specific steps may vary depending on the system you have, so it's important to consult your owner's manual or the instructions that came with your remote start kit.

Here are some general steps for using an Acura remote start system:

Safety Considerations for Acura Remote Start

While remote start systems are convenient, they can also pose some safety risks if not used properly. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Troubleshooting Acura Remote Start

If your Acura remote start system isn't working correctly, there are a few things you can try before contacting a professional:

If none of these troubleshooting steps work, it's best to contact a professional for assistance.

Acura Remote Start Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can remote start be installed on any Acura model?

How long does it take to warm up a car with remote start?

Can remote start damage my car's engine?

Is remote start legal?

Can I use remote start if my car has a manual transmission?

Acura Remote Start: Enhancing Your Driving Experience


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Acura Remote Start, an innovative feature designed to elevate your driving experience. At [Acura Remote Start], we are passionate about providing you with cutting-edge technology that enhances convenience and comfort. With Acura Remote Start, you can enjoy the luxury of starting your vehicle remotely, ensuring it's comfortable and ready for you before you even step inside. In this article, we'll delve into the features, benefits, and functionalities of Acura Remote Start, showcasing why it's an essential addition to your Acura vehicle.

Key Features of Acura Remote Start

Acura Remote Start is a state-of-the-art feature that empowers you to control your vehicle remotely using a convenient key fob or your smartphone. With its advanced capabilities, Acura Remote Start offers a range of features to enhance your driving experience:

1. Remote Engine Start

The primary function of Acura Remote Start is to enable you to start your vehicle's engine remotely. Whether you're preparing for a chilly winter morning or a scorching summer day, you can warm up or cool down your Acura from the comfort of your home or office. By simply pressing a button on your key fob or utilizing the AcuraLink mobile app, you can ignite the engine and adjust various climate settings, ensuring the perfect temperature before you embark on your journey.

2. Intelligent Climate Control

Acura Remote Start goes beyond merely starting the engine; it integrates with your vehicle's intelligent climate control system. This means that your Acura will intelligently adjust the cabin temperature based on your predefined preferences. You no longer have to endure uncomfortable conditions when entering your vehicle, as Acura Remote Start ensures an inviting and comfortable environment awaits you.

3. Personalized Settings

Each individual has unique preferences when it comes to their driving experience. Acura Remote Start allows you to customize and save your preferred settings, ensuring your Acura is tailored to your liking every time you start it remotely. From seat heating and cooling to defrosting the rear windshield, you have the flexibility to create a personalized environment that suits your needs.

4. Enhanced Security

Acura Remote Start not only enhances convenience but also prioritizes your vehicle's security. The system is designed to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the safety of your Acura. When you start your vehicle remotely, the doors remain locked, safeguarding your belongings until you're ready to enter. Additionally, Acura Remote Start integrates seamlessly with your Acura's existing security features, providing peace of mind and protection against potential theft.

Acura Remote Start: How It Works

The functionality of Acura Remote Start is both intuitive and user-friendly. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how you can utilize this cutting-edge feature:

By following these simple steps, you can experience the convenience and luxury of Acura Remote Start, transforming your everyday driving routine.

Acura Remote Start: Compatibility and Availability

Acura Remote Start is available for a wide range of Acura models, ensuring compatibility across various vehicle lineups. Whether you own a sedan, SUV, or crossover, chances are you can benefit from this exceptional feature. To determine if your Acura is compatible with Remote Start, consult your vehicle's manual or reach out to our knowledgeable staff at [Our Dealership Name].


Acura Remote Start revolutionizes the way you interact with your vehicle, providing unrivaled convenience, comfort, and security. With the ability to start your engine remotely, adjust climate settings, and personalize your driving environment, Acura Remote Start ensures every journey begins with the utmost comfort and satisfaction. Visit [Our Dealership Name] today and explore the incredible capabilities of Acura Remote Start, a game-changing feature that sets your Acura apart from the rest.