Criminal Defense Attorney

Compensation Guide for Personal Injuries

A personal injury has a drastic effect on you and your loved ones. Sometimes, the incident can change your life permanently. If you want to claim compensation and take legal action for your injury, it is better to get advice from a criminal defense lawyer in Jacksonville Florida. Remember to legal action at the earliest as there are time limits on this.

Understanding What Is A Personal Injury?

This can be an illness, a disease, psychological or physical injury. This instance can also be the cause of death.

Personal injuries can be:

  • An injury due to faulty goods
  • An injury due to a fall or trip
  • Injuries at work or work-related ailments
  • An injury due to the negligence of other people
  • An injury due to a traffic accident

The number one reason for a claim in a case of personal injury is negligence, which has a time limit of 3 years. At times, a court may allow an extension to this time limit, based on the conditions of your case.

Not all claims are the same. The individual circumstances determine the time it takes to complete. Also, whether the other party denies or accepts responsibility for the incident has an impact on the duration of the claim.

Criminal Defense Attorney

Conditional Fee Agreement

When it comes to a conditional fee agreement, you are not required to pay your solicitor in the event that you lose your case. But, you may need to pay the other party for their legal fees and expenses. Usually, your solicitor will advise you to use your insurance to provide coverage. On the other hand, the other party will pay your legal fees and expenses if you win the case.

Typically, the compensation you get is divided into two classifications, which are the general damages and special damages. As for general damages, you can quantify them easily, for example, medical bills.

Special damages are a lot more complex as they need to be assessed. You can place a monetary value to your suffering and pain brought about by the injury. This also includes how the injury has affected your lifestyle and other potential losses in the future.

Do not let your injury cause you more suffering. Call a criminal defense lawyer in Jacksonville Florida if you believe you have the right for compensation.


Robert L. Corse, Attorney at Law

233 E Bay St, Jacksonville, FL 32202, USA

(904) 634-1701

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