Kansas City MO Dermaplane

Co-Owner / Aesthetician

I have always been obsessed with the beauty industry and everything about it. At a very young age my mom taught me how to take care of my skin, she always told my sister and me how important it is to wash your face and she always bought us the best products. It just stuck with me I guess. When I was finally of age to work, I always had a job in the beauty industry working at cosmetic counters. As much as l loved makeup, it was the skincare products that excited me more. I decided to go to esthetics school in 2000. It's been such an inspiring journey since. I’ve met so many great and knowledgeable humans along the way in this industry. I met Sean, who is not only my business partner but my bestie. And most importantly, I get to help people feel great about themselves.</p>
<p>I love how this industry is forever growing. I enjoy learning about new treatments, technology, and products that I can use in my treatment room to deliver the best results to my patients. When you love what you do it’s not work and I absolutely LOVE my “job”!


Co-Owner / Nurse Practitioner / Nurse Injector
I’ve always wanted to get into Medical Aesthetics ever since I can remember, but it’s a tough industry to get into. After practicing Primary Care for the under/uninsured in the Kansas City Metro area for a couple years as a nurse practitioner, I was able to breakthrough. In 2015, I joined a surgical organization where I was the lead nurse practitioner for the facial plastic surgery division. Working there provided me the foundation to my injection career. In 2017, I left this surgical organization and started working in a medical spa where I soon became the Lead Injector. It was at this medical spa that I met Nikky. After working together for a year we decided to open up Face KC Medical Spa in February of 2019. I am now a Master Injector who focuses primarily on injectables and I wouldn’t change a thing!
<p>It’s a wonderful feeling to be a business owner, but an even better feeling because I’m doing what I’ve always wanted to do-Medical Aesthetics.

What is a Consultation?

Face KC Medical Spa has proudly offered medical aesthetic services throughout Kansas City since its inception in 2019. Together, the owners have more than 15 years of industry experience. Face KC Medical Spa believes it is because of this experience and an eye to detail that people return. Do you not know which service or product would be best for you. Contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of the professionals.

Nurse Practitioners/Injectors Sean Ryan and Jennifer Hacker can assist in any injectable questions/concerns and Medical Aestheticians Nikky Rice and Lauren Garrison can assist in all other questions/concerns such as skincare products, skin texture/tone issues, acne concerns, etc.

What are HA Fillers and how do they work?

Juvederm and Restylane are hyaluronic acid fillers suspended in a gel carrier. This gel helps the injection of hyaluronic Acid stay in its place. The hyaluronic acids immediately pulls in water and increases volume. This works well for deeper to more severe wrinkles, folds, and areas of the face where more volume is needed. These fillers dissolve naturally and can last up to one year, with some lasting even longer.

There are many options for HA Fillers. This combination of Restylane (and Juvederm) HA fillers is used to provide subtle to dramatic enhancements. You have more options and can get customized results.

What are Neurotoxins?

Botox and Dysport are injectable neurotoxins that can temporarily help improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Repetitive muscle contractions can cause wrinkles and lines to appear and grow over time. Botox and Dysport will weaken these muscle contractions temporarily leaving the skin visibly smoother.

Common treatment areas are the forehead, frown lines and Crows feet. You can see results in as little as two days. However, they will gradually improve over two weeks. When dosed appropriately results may last up to four months.

What is Sculptra?

Sculptra injectable is a bio stimulatory injection made from poly-L lactic acid. It gradually restores facial volume. It stimulates your skin's natural ability over time to produce collagen. Over several months, the poly-L-lactic acid is biodegraded and replaced with a meshwork of new collagen. Treatment areas can include the jawline and temples. Some people require three treatments initially, then one each year. You can expect to see results for up to two years.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an injection that can permanently destroy fat cells. Depending upon the amount of fat present, up to five vials (or more) of Kybella might be required during one treatment session. Sometimes multiple sessions are necessary. The most common area to be treated is the submental, also known by the 'double-chin'. Treatments can be stopped once the desired aesthetic goal was achieved.

What is a Vitamin B-12 shot?

Vitamin B-12

is an essential vitamin your body needs in order to function properly. This injection can help increase energy, improve fatigue, speed up metabolic rate, improve sleep patterns, increase concentration and boost the immune system.

What is HydraFacial, exactly?

HydraFacial treats all skin needs. It uses patented technology to clean, extract and hydrate the skin.

HydraFacial Super Serums are made with nourishing substances that provide instant glow.

The first step involves gently exfoliating the skin and cleansing it. A light chemical peel is then applied to the skin to resurface it and prepare it for painless extracts. Next, debris is extracted from the pores with painless suction. Finally, the skin is moisturized. To enhance the skin's glow, antioxidants as well as peptides are instilled. The best part is there is no downtime!

What is Dermaplane exactly?

Dermaplaning removes the top layer of dead skin, hair, and debris using a medical-grade surgical knife. A single session of dermaplaning is capable of removing approximately 2-3 weeks' worth of skin cells and debris. Dermplane has no side effects and is completely painless. The procedure may seem similar to shaving but is much more efficient as the blade used can get right to the top layer. There is no need to worry about the hair growing back darker- dermaplaning targets the vellus hair (peach fuzz) that grows back the same size and color. It doesn't give the illusion that the hair is thicker because of the way it is cut. This treatment is quick and painless.

What is Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel involves the application of a chemical solution to the skin to remove the upper layers of the dermis. Chemical peels can improve skin texture and radiance as well as reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. They also help decongest and treat acne-prone skin. Chemical peels are available with different strengths. Your concerns and the type of peel you select will determine how much improvement your skin receives. Multi-treatments are best for the best results.

What is Clear + Brilliant Laser, exactly?

Clear + Brilliant Laser is based in advanced technology. Clear + Brilliant is simple to use. Clear + Brilliant treatments start with a consultation with your skin care practitioner. This is to determine if Clear + Brilliant is the right treatment for you and to identify any potential problems. Your practitioner can then recommend a Clear+Bright Laser treatment program. You have two options to choose from to address skin texture issues, such as fine lines/wrinkles or poor size or brown spot.

What is an Insta-Glo Facial, you ask?

You will be glowing for days with our signature Insta-Glo Facial! This combination of a HydroJelly masque and an ampoule is designed to meet your specific skin needs.

First, cleanse and exfoliate the skin. The ampoule then gets applied to the skin. The HydroJelly mask is then applied. The appropriate products are then applied to your skin. You are now ready to go! There is very little downtime with this treatment.

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling causes microscopic skin injuries and stimulates the body’s natural wound healing process. It also minimizes cellular damage.

It may be possible to recommend a series up to six treatments depending on the results. There is minimal downtime with this procedure.

Lashes & Brows

We can't forget our brows and lashes! We all know that our lashes, and brows, play an important role in our overall aesthetic. You color your hair on your head, so why not your lashes and eyebrows? You can create the illusion of longer lashes and brows by tinting the hair follicles.

A lash lift can take it to the next level. You can get a semi-permanent curl to your eyelashes that will last for as long as 6 weeks. Don't use mascara or curler on your lashes. Instead, save your time by using a lash/brow pigment and/or lash lifting.

Don't have time for a lash tint or lash extensions? Try some Latisse! In just eight weeks, your lashes can be longer, thicker, darker, and more noticeable with this home-based treatment.

What is Medical-Grade Skincare?

What exactly is medical-grade skincare, you may ask? Well to start, these skincare products generally have higher active ingredient concentrations than anything you might find over the counter. That means quicker results in less time. Plus, medical-grade skincare products are able to penetrate your skin at a deeper level, unlike over-the-counter skincare products that are more superficial. Now, although some products may be more expensive than what you would find over the counter, at least you know you are buying top-quality products that have been clinically studied to deliver optimal results.

It sounds great, right? We think so too. That's why you'll find we offer our favorite products from three different medical-grade skincare brands: Alastin, SkinCeuticals, and SkinMedica.

Best Medspa Kansas City Face KC Med Spa
Botox Kansas City Face KC Med Spa
Click here for Lip fillers Kansas City
Click here for Kansas City MO Botox
Click here for Sculptra Kansas City
Click here for Kylbella Kansas City
Click here for Vitamin B-12 Shot Kansas City
Click here for Facial treatments Kansas City
Click here for Dermaplane Kansas City
Click here for Chemiacl Peel Kansas City
Click here for Morpheus 8 Kansas City
Click here for Facial (Insta-glow facial) Kansas City
Click here for Microneedling Kansas City
Click here for Laser treatment Kansas City
Click here for Lashes and Brows Kansas City