
Find the Type of Food Diary that Will Work Best for You

When my husband decided to go on a diet, he bought a small, spiral-bound notebook and started recording the calories he consumed at each meal. Although he measured his portions, he didn't feel the need to write down what he was eating at each meal. At the back of the notebook, he made a list of the portion sizes and calorie counts for the foods he ate frequently so he wasn't wasting time looking up the same foods time and again. He realizes that he starts regaining weight when he stops recording his calorie count.

Keeping a food journal or diary has to be one of the most popular tips to give dieters because they not only make you aware of what you are eating, but they also keep you accountable about what you are putting in your body. Although you may think that a food journal requires a lot of time-consuming record-keeping, there is more than one way to keep a food diary. It may take a bit of experimentation to discover which works best for you but I've read some articles that suggest that writing down what you eat may be the best thing you can do to turn around poor diet habits.

Check out the different types of food diaries you can keep below. Try each one for a few days until you find one that works for you ... or create your own method of recording what you eat, just check back here to share your technique.

Photo by the author

Keep a Record of What You Eat

Paper or applications?

Yes, you can keep a food journal in any type of notebook. However, if you want some structure, these different journals offer a variety of structure from noting what you eat to meticulously tracking calories, fat, carbs, activity, water, supplements, etc.

Chances are that you will be using a food journal for more than a few days, so select the one that will work best with your temperament.

Print v. Digital

If you've kept (or are keeping) a food journal, which format did you find the most useful, one kept on paper or one recorded online or on an application for your phone? You can add a comment about the specific format, if you wish.

What food journal format did you find most useful for you?

Keep a Traditional Food Journal

The what and how much record

The most basic food journal, and what people tend to envision when you say food journal (and what studies seem to focus on), tracks what and how much you eat.

Important tips:

- Write down what you eat as you eat it. Don't assume you'll remember every bite at the end of the day. Some people find that they can avoid taking a handful of M&Ms (or whatever food they might grab and go) because they know they'll have to write it down.

- Measure and record your portions. After a while you'll get used to what a portion size looks like so you won't have to do this at every meal; just every so often to make sure you aren't increasing your portions.

- Honestly record what you eat, even if you are embarrassed by overeating. This will better help you see patterns.

- Review your diary at least once a week so you are aware of patterns of both healthy eating and overeating. (Does a handful of almonds in the afternoon help you eat less at dinner?)