After Going From Ultra Obese to Cover Girl, Kamille Dawn Tirzah Shares Weight Loss Secrets with Free Online Course

For the first time, a fresh new exciting way to lose weight has been created by a professional expert who was clinically obese, pre-diabetic and suffered from depression. She could not find a program that worked, so she developed a unique system that helped her lose over 100 pounds, balance her blood insulin, increase her energy and eliminated depression. LEAN BODY PRINCIPLES by Kamille Dawn Tirzah are a set of 7 proven steps that share the secrets she used that have been closely guarded until now.

The billion dollars plus weight loss industry keeps churning out one failed diet or program after another, and empties the pockets of desperate people. The medical professionals Kamille worked with provided her with patients who were suffering the way she used to. Her approach is not just about losing fat, it’s also about maintaining your lean body mass, the crucial driver of your metabolic rate. This is one of the secrets to the body's way of gaining or losing weight

Kamille was once among those in the high obesity category, weighing over 200 pounds. Today, she is a lean, fit and energetic personality who has featured on magazine covers. She is sharing her secret methods in the form of a FREE weight loss course featured on the Teachable Platform. These seven steps will allow users to shed excess fat weight. If you want to lose five, ten, twenty, a hundred or even more pounds, without affecting your body’s valuable lean muscles, this breakthrough program is perfect for doing just that without starving, over exercising or crash dieting.

This weight loss course reveals the medical truth, and helps women get back to their healthier, leaner self, and get the attention of all the sexy men they have always desired! Many women feel stuck in a body they never wanted, and a poor self or body image takes away the motivation to go out to parties or be seen in public. Finding the right clothes is yet another nightmare many overweight people suffer with. All of this need not be permanent any longer, but can be changed with Lean Body Principles.

The many programs and diets out there today can confuse anyone. There are low carb, high carb or no carb diets, the paleo and the Atkins diet, and programs that tell others to go raw vegan, and many other exercise fads and tailor-made programs. All that they do is make clients lose weight temporarily, only to gain it again, sometimes even more than before!

Kamille’s program reveals exactly what the body requires to give up its unwanted fat while maintaining your Lean Body Mass, and that’s what makes this program unique. After using her secret principles, losing weight and becoming a published author, Kamille went on to be featured on the ‘People’ magazine cover and was featured on ‘The Good Morning America Show’ with an interview by Robin Roberts. She is also the author of “Fat Chic to Cover Model” available on Amazon Kindle. Today, Kamille is helping others lose their unwanted weight and regain their dream figure, having coached over 10,000 clients as a weight loss coach and nutrition specialist in South Florida.

Check out Kamille’s weight loss programs at:

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