
Elementary School

Developing the school from its humble beginnings is of course our main priority. We have made a lot of progress since we began in 2010, like building three mud-brick classrooms with chalkboards, simple desks, a locked cabinet to securely store our books and school supplies, and hiring paid teachers, which serve over 30 enrollees aged 4-8.

Our goal is to make a bigger school so we can provide more children access to education, as well as dormitories for the orphaned children. Someday we hope to offer 10 classrooms (for a full primary school), a kitchen, dining room, office, small clinic and bathroom facilities.

In addition to supplying the school with its needs (furnishings, educational materials, facilities), a small house should be constructed for the volunteers who continue to be an integral part of this project.

The rustic classrooms are made of mud and wood with tin roofs, serving to keep the weather outside and the focus on learning inside.

We have blackboards to teach many children at once and write exercises...

...and simple benches (which can seat three students apiece) so the children can write their assignments, and stay off the ground, keeping their uniforms clean.

The fourth and largest classroom, which still needs walls to be completed.


This is our newest and most exciting project. Some friends have donated seeds so we can start a nursery to sell trees (moringa, acacia, gravelia), herbs, and plants to the local community.

To support a law set forth by the Ministry of Agriculture, in which a tree is to be planted for every tree that is cut-down, we hope to provide a service to the community and environment with our nursery.

Recent Progress

Clean water and Toilets for boys and girls are two significant projects that have been a priority since the founding of this school, and we are happy to report that in April 2014 we have built a safe drinking water system and two safe and hygienic latrines.

Previously, water for drinking and cleaning had to be be fetched from the nearby river using recycled bottles. Unfortunately, the river water is polluted and not suitable for drinking, and had to first be boiled or treated with costly tablets for safe consumption. With funding by Water is Life, and implementation by Kenya rainwater association, we now have greatly improved toilet facilities and a safe drinking water system for our kids.

Water tank

The new water tank,

Water taps

drinking taps..

Boys and girls latrines

and latrines.

Read the 2014 Project Report:
