Sterling Services

Begin your healing journey today.

Welcome. In my small business I offer grief coaching by phone and a variety of in-person support groups. I work exclusively with women.

I believe that telling our stories, in safe spaces with compassionate others, is in itself, healing. With gentle direction and education, practice and celebration, we can become whole, and who we are meant to be.

It has been my life’s work, over the past 35 years, to assist in this process. I earned my degree in Human Services and I am a certified support group facilitator. I am currently practicing as a Master Grief Coach. I am doing the work that I love and that makes me happy.

Please contact me using the email link below. Send a brief message with your name and telephone number, and I will get back to you as soon as possible to answer questions and to establish if/how we will work together. 

Thank you for your interest in Sterling Services. – Elizabeth Casper Rolfs