How to convert your HEIC photos:

Starting with Apple's iOS 11, HEIC is the new standard format for storing images on iDevices such as 5S and above.

Convert HEIC photos to JPG for Your Use

Read more about HEIC here if you want to learn how to change the format on your phone.

Alternatively, you can set your iOS device to shoot JPG rather than HEIC. To do this go to Settings > Camera > Formats and then select Most Compatible. Or you can share JPGs instead of HEICs, also via Settings (go to Settings > Photos and select Automatic in the bottom option), while continuing to keep the benefits of shooting and storing in HEIC yourself.

View online portfolios from past students

This site provides you with all information, resources, and PowerPoints presented at the NAEA and AENJ Conferences

by members of the Visual Art Department of Westwood Regional School District

A digital collection and library that includes more than 2 million high-quality images

Art Criticism is an essential component of a well-developed art curriculum. Infusing the critiquing process into lessons

for every level of art class will help districts align curriculum and create articulation from preschool through high school.

This site is designed for High School art class use. There are a variety of provided information and resources on art history,

art criticism, portfolio development, careers, and college for high school art students and their parents

A variety of typography and company logo based design games