Lab Alumni

2009 Graduates

Congratulations to the Williamson Lab's first alumna: Valerie Villanueva!

Valerie was highly involved as a TA in the phage lab, and extended our research with mycobacteriophages.  Val completed her Ph.D. in molecular virology and microbiology with Dr. Graham Hatfull at the University of Pittsburgh. She is currently an independent consultant with Echo Healthcare.

2010 Graduates

Ashley Butland worked hard to get our RAPD-PCR reactions working, and was successful!  Thanks to her efforts, RAPD PCR has become a workhorse tool in our research group.  After completing her BS in Biology and German at W&M, Ashley earned her MD from University of Virginia's School of Medicine and is currently a resident physician at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.

Daniel Kiernan was a jack-of-all-trades in the lab, but contributed most to our soils projects - extraction of viruses and bacteria from soils, as well as enumeration. Since completing his BS in Biology at W&M, Dan has served as an officer in the United States Army, completing his military service as a Battalion Staff Officer at Ft. Wainwright, AK.  Since transitioning to civilian life, he has completed his Masters certificate in Biohazardous Threat Agents and Emerging Infectious Diseases at Georgetown University, and currently works as a public health policy analyst for the Wisconsin Dept. of Health Services.

Dustin Glasner completed an Honors Thesis on the optimization of pulsed field gel electrophoresis in the analysis of environmental viral assemblages.  After completing his BS in Biology at W&M, Dustin went on to earn his Masters in Biohazardous Threat Agents & Emerging Infectious Diseases from Georgetown University.  He then worked at the FDA’s Office of Vaccines Research & Review in their Molecular Retrovirology Section, on a sponsored ORISE fellowship.  He is currently a doctoral candidate, studying flaviviruses in the research group of Dr. Eva Harris at the University of California, Berkeley.

Erica Hart completed an Honors Thesis on the seasonal prevalence of lysogeny in Lake Matoaka, and the efficacy of herbicides in inducing prophage from lysogenic cells. After earning her BS in Biology at W&M, Erica completed her Masters in Science Education (biology) at Portland State University.  She is currently an instructor at Portland State.

2011 Graduates 

Dana Hardbower

Dana completed her honors thesis on the bacterial dynamics of Lake Matoaka, where she profiled bacterial commuinities in the Lake over an 18-month period.  After earning her BS in Biology at W&M, Dana went on to do research with Dr. Keith Wilson at Vanderbilt University, earning her Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology.  She is currently set to begin a postdoctoral fellowship with Dr. Jenny Ting at UNC, Chapel Hill.

Brent Callaway

Since graduating from William and Mary in 2011, Brent has worked in the field of medical genetics, biotech patents, organic farming, camp counseling, and elementary school teaching (focusing on science and classical Latin) - of those, the last two are far and away his favorites. Outside of work Brent has volunteered as an EMT, performed in musical theater, taken part in pun competitions, cultivated his story telling and snake catching skills, joined a few choirs, and played ukulele. Brent currently resides in Durham NC along with two bearded dragons and four axolotls, and is pursuing a Master or Arts in science teaching from North Carolina State University. He welcomes contact from other William & Mary students, especially those who've labored in the Williamson lab! 

2012 Graduates

Jessica Dolman

After completing her BS in Biology at W&M, Jess went on to earn her MD from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine.  She is currently a resident physician at Yale New Haven Hospital.

Kaitlin Helsley

In addition to earning her BS in Biology, Kaitlyn completed an honors thesis on the Impacts of Phage Predation on Microbial Dynamics in Temperate Soil Ecosystems.  Kaitlyn went on to work as a research technician in the research group of Dr. David Wu, Eastern Virginia Medical School, before enrolling for her Doctorate in Physical Therapy at Old Dominion University.

Joe Kendra

After completing his BS in Biology at W&M, Joe went on to a Ph.D. program at the University of Maryland.  He is currently a doctoral candidate under the research mentorship of Dr. Jonathan Dinman in molecular virology.

2013 Graduates 

Krysten Corzo

 After earning her BS in Biology from W&M, Krysten went on to complete a MS in genetics at Drexel University, under the research mentorship of Dr. Eishi Noguchi.  She is currently pursuing her MD at St. George’s University.

 Moriah Mensah

After completing her BS in Biology at W&M, Moriah went on to pursue a degree in law at the Howard University School of Law in Washington, D.C.

Suzan Ok

After completing her BS in Biology at W&M, Suzan completed a summer internship at the FDA, where she worked with West Nile Virus.  She went on to complete her MPhil in Evolutionary Genetics at the University of Cambridge, England.  After two years of graduate work in immunology and microbiology at UNC, Chapel Hill, Suzan opted for more applied research back at the FDA.  She is currently an ORISE fellow, working on a project to screen blood samples for infectious agents.

Camelia Drissi

Camelia earned her BS in Chemistry and went on to work as an analytical chemist at Pfizer pharmaceuticals.  She is currently a Global Supply Rotational Associate at Pfizer. 

2014 Graduates

Megan MacGregor

After completing her BS in Biology at W&M, Megan went on to pursue her MD at Wake Forest School of Medicine.

Jasmyn Buckingham

After completing her BS in Biology, Jasmyn went on to work with Pharmaceutical Product Development’s vaccine sciences laboratory in Richmond, VA.

Kevin Furlong

Kevin is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Molecular Pathogenesis and Molecular Medicine at the University of Chicago.

Elina ElBadry

Elina is pursuing a Ph.D. in Immunology and Molecular Pathogenesis at Emory University, under the research guidance of Dr. Eric Hunter.

Theresa Brown

After completing her BS in Biology at W&M, Theresa went on to work as an Environmental Scientist for the environmental consulting agency Versar, in Hampton VA.  She is currently pursuing her MS in mechanical engineering at Boston University.

Matt Saxton (Postdoc)

Dr. Matthew Saxton was our Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Environmental Sciences from 2012 – 2014.  After his tour of duty here at W&M, Matt went on to a postdoctoral fellowship in the research group of Dr. Mandy Joye at the University of Georgia.

2015 Graduates

Charles Thompson

Charles is currently tutoring high school and undergraduate students in science in the Los Angeles area as he applies to graduate programs in virology and microbiology.

Nuha Naqvi

After completing her BS in Biology, Nuha went on to work as a Quality Improvement Assistant in the United States Peace Corps Office of Health Services.  She is currently pursuing her Masters in Public Health and Tropical Medicine at Tulane University.

Faraz Rahman

Faraz is currently pursuing his MD at the American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine.

Jasmin Green

Jasmin has been working for a small non-profit in St. Louis, MO called "Shoeman Water Projects" which raises money for water projects in developing countries by collecting and selling used shoes to exporters. She will be beginning work on her graduate degree at UC Davis with Dr. Mary Cadenasso this fall (2017) studying landscape change in urban ecosystems. 

Morgan Uland

After discovering her people, Morgan is running free, weird, and happy in Portland, OR.

John McElderry

John is currently working at the National Institutes of Health under a postbaccalaureate intramural research training award (IRTA).

2016 Graduates

Jamie Harris

 After completing her BS in Biology at W&M, Jamie began working for the nonprofit organization Fund for the Public Interest in Philadelphia, PA. 

2017 Graduates

Biar Raheem will be applying to law programs.

Erin Goodstein is pursuing a postbaccalaureate IRTA at the National Institutes of Health.

Joshua Copeland begins work this fall (2017) on his MS in Microbial Ecology, Mycology & Bioinformatics with Dr. Naupaka Zimmerman at the University of San Francisco.

Josie Shawver is currently in an internship program at USAID in the Bureau for Europe and Eurasia, and plans to apply to law programs.

Melissa Kret is currently in an internship program in epidemiology at the Charles County Health Department, Maryland.

2018 Graduates

Rebecca Quinn

Prashant Saini

2019 Graduates

Alex Payne

Abby Davidson

Chloe Mapes

2020-22 Graduates

Catherine Tyson


Zach Cuba

Melaina Jacoby

Nakul Dar

Jacob Warner

Matt Zanger

Heather Natterer

Krista Wink

Alli DiPietro