Here are some frequently asked questions about our program!!

Q: What is Academic Decathlon?

A: It's a scholastic competition aiming to provide a deep dive into a single topic unique for each year. This year: Water! An important topic that's very relevant in times where climate change and water scarcity are important and urgent matters. Go to the Academic Events page to learn more about it.

Q: Do I have to be academically "smart" to join?

A: No, anyone can join! In fact, teams are structured to include people of various GPAs. A full team is comprised of 3 'A' students, 3 'B' students, and 3 'C' students. As long as you are motivated and competitive, we welcome you to the team. No matter what your GPA is, you have a chance of excelling in Academic Decathlon!!

Q: What do we do?

A: As a team, we create bonds and have after-school practices to learn new facts and concepts from seven subjects. These subjects include art, music, literature, economics, math, social science, and science. We also practice speech, impromptu, and interview. Our competitions include scrimmages and official county and state competitions. These are a great way to win awards, medals, and trophies!

Q: How will this benefit me?

A: Academic Decathlon can benefit you in many ways! It can benefit you academically by helping you prep for the SAT/ACT, as well as your other classes (for example: learning economics in Academic Decathlon can help you with the mandatory economics class you take in your senior year). It is also counted as an honors course, meaning it will boost your weighted GPA. Aside from the academic part, you will learn how to improve your study habits, public speaking skills, and communication skills. This club will help you grow as a person, and offers you knowledge and experiences that you won't be able to find anywhere else!

Q: Is this a hard club?

A: Yes, but that is the draw of Academic Decathlon! By collaborating as a team and gaining new experiences with others in your age group, we are able to achieve more collectively than each of us can individually. By facing the challenges of what Academic Decathlon provides together, you can establish strong problem-solving and communication skills. In short, the benefits far outweigh the hardships.