VirtualMine Exhibition

VirtualMine Exhibition “Copper. A history of the extraordinary metal”

The opening of the exhibition titled “Copper. A history of the extraordinary metal” at the Copper Museum in Legnica, Poland, was held on October 23, 2018 and is one of the milestones of the VirtualMine project.

The traditional museum exhibition is accompanied by multimedia applications and modern ways of presenting knowledge – a 3D hologram presenting a miner in full equipment for underground working, a multimedia game “Life without raw materials” and HTC Vive Goggles transferring to virtual reality - a walk through mining excavations over centuries.

The exhibition, and more specifically multimedia and all accompanying events, will be available to people of all ages during the museum's visiting hours. Especially the multimedia part of the exhibition has been prepared for children and young people who are the main beneficiaries of the VirtualMine project. It is to attract young people and introduce them to issues related to the properties of copper, its use by man, technology of its production and the areas in which this metal is irreplaceable.

We invite you to visit the exhibition!

Copper Museum in Legnica, ul. Partyzantów 3, 59-220 Legnica

Tuesday-Friday from 10:00 to 17:00

Saturday from 11:00 to 17:00

You can also visit the exhibition through a virtual walk

Photos of the exhibition are available at the Gallery.