Backtesting Result

VIndex has rigorously backtested our algorithm to ensure the quality and accuracy for our users. The accuracy is a measure to the BUY/SELL call which is base on our proprietary calculation of VIndex. VIndex is a Fundamental and technical index from 0 to 5 (5 is best for TA and FA). VIndex is constructed from TIndex (technical index) and FIndex (fundamental index) has range from 0 to 5.

It is backtested when the Call of Buy or Sell, within 20 days, if a stock achieves at least 3% (-3% for Sell) for small cap and penny stocks(share price below 1) it is count as accurate. On the contrary, a big cap or non penny stocks is counted as accurate if achieves at least 1% (-1% for Sell). Backtest data from 2014 to 2019 for over one million data points and over 200 stocks.

Singapore SGX

The accuracy ranges from 64% to 95% for BUY call and 60% to 88% for SELL call.

For the returns of every BUY call, small cap and penny stocks get an average 11% for BUY and almost -9% for SELL. Big cap and non penny stocks which are less volatile has 5% for BUY and -4% for SELL.

The outcome is not surprised as Big cap tends to be less volatile and move slower. Given a longer time frame like 30 days, the returns improved.

*If share price rise below 1 to above 1, if it is below 1 for longer period, it is considered as penny stocks and vice versa.

Bursa Malaysia (KLSE)

The accuracy is ranges from 69% to 89% for BUY call and 65% to 85% for SELL call.

For the returns of every BUY call, small cap and penny stocks get an average 11% for BUY and almost -9% for SELL. Big cap and non penny stocks which are less volatile has 7% for BUY and -5% for SELL.

The outcome is not surprised as Big cap tends to be less volatile and move slower. Given a longer time frame like 30 days, the returns improved.

*If share price rise below 1 to above 1, if it is below 1 for longer period, it is considered as penny stocks and vice versa.