3D Exhibit

Tin Canteen

The tin canteen displayed was a useful tool for those imprisoned and a means to document personal information. Those within re-education camps would sometimes use personal belongings to document the location of camps and other relevant information. Such an approach was useful as many prisoners were moved to different camps while imprisoned. The side of the canteen on the first and second slides feature the words Hoàng Liên Sơn, a mountain range in the north of Vietnam. The other side of the canteen shown on the third slide features the words Yên Bái and Lào Cai, which are provinces in the north-east region of Vietnam near Hoàng Liên Sơn. The name, part of which is worn away, "Vũ Đức Nghi-" is written on the same side as the provinces.

For 2 dimensional photo and more on tools used in re-education camps, click here

Handmade Bag

The bag shown was created out of used rice bags, found objects, and wire in a re-education camp. Across the bag are stitched from repurposed threads. There is an external and internal pocket with a turquoise buckle to keep the lid down. There is considerable space within the bag that could fit a variety of objects.

For 2 dimensional photos and more on re-education camps, click here

Shameful Defeat

Sculpture by Hà Cẩm Đường 1983

28x49 base, 30 cm tall

This sculpture portrays a South Vietnamese soldier clutching his head in shame and despair after the surrender of South Vietnam to communist forces. The head was carved out of a granite block. The hand, made of bronze, was modeled on the artist’s own hand.

For 2 dimensional photos and more information on the artist, click here

Candle of Burning Tears

Bronze Sculpture by Hà Cẩm Đường 1985

31x29 cm base, 76 cm tall

The date April 30, 1975 is inscribed onto the blackened edge of a war-torn Vietnam that serves as the base for the bronze sculpture known as the “Candle of Burning Tears.” From a maelstrom of twisting flames above, streams of tears modeled on hot wax drip down. Those tears of hot wax descend into the northern, central, and southern regions of Vietnam. The statue represents the destruction of the country and the suffering of those forced from their homeland.

For 2 dimensional photos and more information on art created by Vietnamese refugees, click here

ARVN Helmet

The helmet represents the role of individual artifacts in memorializing the experiences of the veterans who fought for the Republic of Vietnam. The wound that created the hole in the helmet, which was donated by the local community, demonstrates the hardships and risks experienced by those who fought.

For 2 dimensional photos and more information on memorials, click here