Ways We Use Fractions

We estimate this page will take you approximately 20 minutes.

First a little background...

Do you know about the different constructs (meanings) for a fraction?

Please refer to Math for Teaching: Ways We Use Fractions or pages 4 through 10 of Paying Attention to Fractions as you view the following.

Open the Paying Attention to Fractions Adobe Presenter. Using the navigation bar on the right, begin viewing at "What is a fraction?" (slide 10) and continue through to slide 21. Make sure you have your speakers turned on.

Now you can complete the task which asks you to consider which meaning of fraction is being used in a variety of prompts. You will be sharing your thinking with others in the group and the facilitators will be monitoring questions and providing feedback.

Take a few minutes now to reflect upon some commonly held beliefs about fractions by viewing the following slides..

Common Beliefs Held by Teachers/Educators

This short video describes the fractions research upon which this session is developed.

Now let's look at unit fractions