Butterflies and Moths of North America collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Butterflies and Moths of North America (BAMONA) is an ambitious effort to collect, store, and share species information and occurrence data. You can participate by taking and submitting photographs of butterflies, moths, and caterpillars. You can report butterflies you see here by registering an account. If you don't see a species on the list, it may mean that no one has taken the time to report that species.

There are around 180 species of butterflies in Florida.

Lake Co Butterfly Species BAMONA.docx

This is a list complied from the Butterflies and Moths of North America Website for Lake County in Florida. Not all of these will appear in the Butterfly Gardens, but there may be some that are not on the list.

Sumter County List of Butterflies Sighted in from Butterflies and Moths of North America Website.pdf

Sumter County list