Technology Resources


Flipgrid is a video discussion platform where students can share their ideas with their classmates. This site (& app!) is useful to the classroom because it will help shy students share their ideas.


BreakoutEDU helps students interact with each other and work together to solve a problem.

For All Rubrics

For All Rubrics allows you to set up rosters, rubrics, checklists. This website will help teachers collaborate with each other in order to figure out what students are understanding. It also helps students figure out what they need to do for an assignment in order to get the grade they desire.


Edmodo lets teachers easily communicate with all their students at once and allows students to interact with each other so they will always have help if they're confused.

Super Teacher Tools

Super Teacher Tool is a way to help teachers organize their classrooms in ways to benefits themselves and their students. For on the go teachers who have to move around classrooms, it is even more helpful since they can get onto it whenever they have a computer with internet access! This will be beneficial with students because when their teachers are more organized they get more learning done!


WeVideo is the online video editor that makes it easy to capture, create, view and share your movies at up to 4K resolution for stunning playback anywhere. I could use this in my classroom by having students make a video over a subject they are struggling to learn.

WolframAlpha can help students with homework problems or even in class assignments. However, as a teacher, I think it will be important to emphasize all students should try before looking up and use this website as a last resort or to check their answers.

Don't forgot to check out my "Creativity" page!!


Remind can really help teachers communicate with their students when something comes up or to remind(!) them about homework.

Insert Leaning

"InsertLearning is a Chrome extension that lets you turn websites into interactive lessons". This can help teachers make lessons more interesting and get students more engaged.


Classkick helps teachers organize their classrooms and lets students ask for help anonymously when they are scared are nervous to speak up.