The Beautiful

Adapted and deconstructed from Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Artist of the Beautiful"

by Jonathon Ward

In 1845, Owen visits Annie, who he knew and loved when he was a clockmaker’s apprentice to her father. He urges her to run away to Paris with him to discover the beauty she has hidden within herself because of her marriage to the town's blacksmith. Can she accept the gift of freedom he offers without redefining her life completely?

Sophia and Nathaniel Hawthorne lived and loved a literary life which was reflected in his stories, but what about hers?

This adaptation and deconstruction of Nathaniel Hawthorne's story has his characters' coming to life and finding their future challenged by the clockmaker's apprentice who becomes an artist and the blacksmith's wife who runs away to become a poet.

Schedule of Upcoming Performances

Fringe NYC 2018

A Review: Theatre Is Easy

Purchase tickets at Fringe Slice-O-Matic or click on the date/time below. After your purchase, fifteen minutes before curtain, you assemble at FringeHUB 685 Washington Street (at the corner of Charles Street) and are escorted by your Red Flag Ambassador to the performance space. No late escorting (or seating). Thank you!

Sat 10/13 5:00pm

Sun 10/21 4:45pm

Fri 10/26 7:15pm

Sat 10/27 8:30pm

Sun 10/28 1:15pm