Apple 發出警告至工作人員以停止機密洩漏者 | Apple sent warning from secret leakers

新聞 News:

2018 年 4 月 23 日

Apple 發出警告至工作人員以停止機密洩漏者 | Apple sent warning from secret leakers

蘋果一直在努力製作他們的產品,但畢竟信息將被洩露,大多數人將能夠預測他們的下一個產品,這讓蘋果公司非常生氣。蘋果公司向他們的員工發出了一條備忘錄,以阻止向部落客洩漏信息以及更多人。 然而,備忘錄也被洩露出去。 如圖所示,任何洩露信息的人都將被關進監獄。 蘋果希望這份備忘錄能夠阻止洩密事件的發生。

Apple has been working hard on their products, but after all the information will be leaked and most of the people will be able to predict about their next products, which made Apple very angry. Apple sent out a memo to their employees to stop leaking info to bloggers and further more people. However, the memo was also being leaked out. As the image shows, anyone who leaks info, will be put in jail. Apple hopes this memo will stop leaks from happening.