Humanized Online Teaching Showcase

 Dacia Williams, Psychology Instructor, Butte College

This site provides examples of instructional resources created in the Humanizing Online Teaching Academy, a professional development program at Butte College, funded by the Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Practices grant from the California Community College Chancellor's Office.


Where I was.

Prior to the start of this academy, I felt well equipped to be humanizing my online content. I'd revamped syllabi, created awesome narrated presentations, accepted late work, etc. I know there is always more to learn and a colleague had just completed an anti racism program with me and spoke highly of this academy, so I applied. 

Where I am.

Mostly I am grateful. This has been an incredibly positive experience for me despite being outside of my comfort zone with recording my face on camera. It really helped to see everyone else and understand firsthand what that connection feels like vs having it missing. It's even reignited friendships that had fallen by the wayside! Because of this I know that it will make a powerful difference in connections for my students. That is such a gift.

Where I am going.

I will be continuing my progress on pushing past my comfort zone. It doesn't really matter that I am uncomfortable in front of the camera. I was once uncomfortable in front of a classroom as well. I just need to do it all the time and that discomfort eventually fades away. I would rather take on the discomfort than have my students experience it via lack of connection. My plan is to just keep getting familiar with the tools to make quick and easy videos (my phone, YouTube, the camera option in PowerPoint, and Adobe Express). I've made it a goal to start out fall term with more of my face showing up for online students. Stay tuned; you just might see me out there.

Liquid Syllabus

 Through this liquid syllabus, I will create a personal connection that helps students feel seen and valued. By addressing their potential concerns, questions, and expectations right from the start, I can create a sense of comfort and openness, encouraging students to actively engage in the learning process. This syllabus provides resources, support, and opportunities for communication, reflecting my commitment to students' academic success and overall well-being. I hope to build a strong foundation of trust and collaboration that will lead to a meaningful and impactful learning experience throughout the course.

various overlapping faces and handwritten title reading Intro to Psych

Course Card

I chose this specific image because I really liked the overlapping faces which to me represent all of the diverse personalities that we can discover through the field of psychology. It also represents our diverse student population, and hopefully that is inviting when students go to click on this to access our online classroom. Then to add a personal touch, I used my own handwriting to add the title of the course, “Intro to Psych”.  


Creating a welcoming and supportive online environment is crucial for every student to feel valued and part of a community. I use a warm greeting and introduction to encourage a sense of connection from the start. I use diverse images that reflect our own student body, ensuring everyone feels represented and heard. Through this intentional design, I aim to establish trust, showing my students that I genuinely care about their learning and their well-being. By promoting a supportive atmosphere, it creates a safe space where students can express themselves and build meaningful connections.

Getting to Know You Survey

By learning more about each individual, I can tailor my instruction to meet their needs, creating a more engaging and personalized learning experience. The survey also allows students to share any specific concerns or challenges they may have, enabling me to provide the necessary support and accommodations. I can also refer back to their answers if someone messages me with specific issues. The survey shows my students that I care about them and that their voices matter to me and in our classroom. 

Wisdom Wall

By having a central place for students to share their thoughts and reflections, the Wisdom Wall can serve as a powerful tool to alleviate stress and promote better mental health. It will also empower students to engage with each other and build a supportive network, knowing that their voices are valued and can lead to positive change. My hope is that students will feel valued, supported, and empowered to make a difference for others in the future.

Bumper Video

By creating a bumper video that explains the difference between correlation and causation, the goal is to alleviate confusion surrounding this common topic. By being clear and concise, students can see that even difficult ideas can be broken down into basics, making them more accessible and understandable. The video will encourage students to approach challenging concepts with confidence, knowing that with the right guidance and breakdown of information, they can master any topic.


The microlecture is on scales of measurement, aligning with the learning objectives of demonstrating familiarity with major psychological concepts and research methods and showcasing critical thinking skills in evaluating research. By focusing on the importance of scales of measurement in research design and data analysis, it equips students with information necessary for their upcoming research project. Through concise explanations and practical examples, it empowers students to understand the distinctions between different scales of measurement and how each should drive their research design. This microlecture will definitely enhance their learning experience, providing them with a solid foundation to approach their research projects with confidence and conduct meaningful studies.